All residents are required to adhere to the following guidelines :
- Make sure all the data and documents you provide are true and clear.
- Read the university housing regulations carefully and agree to them before booking.
- Comply with room-shifting regulation as per the rooms availability and the financial policy.
- Maintain the room and its furniture clean and undamaged.
- Neither make noise nor use any audio gears in a way that may disturb other residents.
- Keep your valuable belongings safe, the Office of Student Housing shall not be liable for any lost property.
- Comply with the leave permission procedure (Female students only).
Healthy and safety environment with appropriate services for students of determination:
- A comprehensive Evacuation Mock Drill Plan is displayed in each room/floor, as requested by the General Directorate of Civil Defense in Ajman, to properly address the emergency procedure needs of the disability community. Residents receive periodic training to exercise caution when using safety equipment.
- The fire extinguishing equipment is available in compliance with the international safety standards.
- The Student Hostel is designed to ensure appropriate access for students of determination. For instance, there are specific rooms for them as well as accessible routes, curb ramps, and wheelchair accessible units, including parking and passenger loading zones, and elevators.
- An emergency evacuation chair is provided at the main entrance and near the staircase to properly address the emergency procedure needs of the disability community.
Forbidden items inside the Residence
All residents are prohibited from doing the following inside the Residence:
- Bringing pets and birds and giving food to stray animals.
- Bringing or consuming tobacco, shisha/hookah, alcohol or drugs.
- Using incents or candles.
- Dressing indecently outside your room.
- Receiving external visitors in your room is not allowed.