Growth & Development including Orthodontics & Preventive Dentistry

Present Project:

Comparative Evaluation of surface roughness of commercially available primary zirconia crowns

Research Scope:

Zirconia crowns in pediatric dentistry have become the popular treatment material of choice due to their superior properties in clinical uses and high aesthetic standards. The alumina particles present in these crowns are far stronger than the glass and has strong abrasive properties. This can lead to abrasion of the opposing primary natural tooth during occlusal contact with zirconia crowns. Commercially, there are four different manufactures for zirconia pedodontics crowns and none of them reveal the exact process of their manufacturing process. Abrasive property of a material depends upon surface irregularities and measurement of surface roughness of these prefabricated zirconia crowns is essential to relate it with the tooth wear of opposing primary teeth.

This research:
  • evaluated the surface roughness of various prefabricated zirconia pedodontic crowns using mechanical stylus profilometer.
  • compared the selected surfaces; occlusal, occlusal edge and buccal surfaces of zirconia crowns for surface roughness.
Diamond Stylus 
4 types of primary zirconia crowns

 Surface topography of one of the zirconia crown – Ra and Rz values