Soumaya Abdellatif EP Slama
Associate Professor, Head of Sociology Department
Dr. Soumaya Abdellatif is the Head of the Sociology Department at Ajman University, where she leads a team of faculty and researchers in conducting sociological studies on a wide range of topics, with a particular focus on the Arab world and beyond. With over a decade of experience in teaching, research, and project coordination in the fields of sociology, anthropology, and gender studies, Dr. Abdellatif is committed to advancing knowledge and fostering academic excellence.
She holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Strasbourg, France, and has served as the Head of the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center at Ajman University since January 2023. Dr. Abdellatif is an active member of several international and regional academic networks, including the International Sociological Association (ISA), Project Redemar (funded by the French National Agency for Research), and the Center for Anthropology and African Studies in Sousse.
Her extensive academic involvement includes participation in various doctoral schools and training programs in Switzerland, Canada, France, Tunisia, and Jordan. She also serves as a scientific coordinator for regional studies in the Middle East and North Africa and is an expert in gender at the Arab Women's Center for Training and Research (CAWTAR) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Dr. Abdellatif's research interests include kinship, the sociology of the family, gender, social networks, migration, and identity. She is dedicated to making significant contributions to the study and understanding of social dynamics in the contemporary world.
PhD in Sociology, University of Strasbourg, France, 2013.
PhD in Sociology, University of Strasbourg, France, 2013.
Master's Degree (DEA), University of Strasbourg, France, 2005.
Master's Degree (DEA), University of Strasbourg, France, 2005.
Maîtrise en Sociologie, University of Strasbourg, France, 2004.
Maîtrise en Sociologie, University of Strasbourg, France, 2004.
Licence in Sociology, University of Strasbourg, France, 2003.
Licence in Sociology, University of Strasbourg, France, 2003.
DEUG, University of Strasbourg, France, 2002.
DEUG, University of Strasbourg, France, 2002.
Head of Sociology Department, Since September 2023.
Head of Sociology Department, Since September 2023.
Head of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Centre, Since January 2023.
Head of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Centre, Since January 2023.
Associate Professor, since June 2022.
Associate Professor, since June 2022.
Assistant Professor, Ajman University, since August 26, 2018.
Assistant Professor, Ajman University, since August 26, 2018.
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tunisia, 4 years.
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tunisia, 4 years.
Visiting Professor, European University, 2018.
Visiting Professor, European University, 2018.
Visiting Professor, Universite de Sousse, Tunisia, 2013-2014.
Visiting Professor, Universite de Sousse, Tunisia, 2013-2014.
Contractual Professor at UPSAT, Sousse, Tunisia, 2013.
Contractual Professor at UPSAT, Sousse, Tunisia, 2013.
Founding Member of Anthropology Department in ISSHT Tunisia, 2014.
Founding Member of Anthropology Department in ISSHT Tunisia, 2014.
Member of Editorial Board in Publication Center in ISSHT, Tunisia, 2018.
Member of Editorial Board in Publication Center in ISSHT, Tunisia, 2018.
External Expert, CAWTAR (Center of Arab Women for Training and Research), Tunisia, 2013 – Present.
External Expert, CAWTAR (Center of Arab Women for Training and Research), Tunisia, 2013 – Present.
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Ajman University, since August 2022.
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Ajman University, since August 2022.
Head of College Research Committee, CHS, Ajman University, Since September 2022.
Head of College Research Committee, CHS, Ajman University, Since September 2022.
Deputy Head, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center, Ajman University, Since November 2021.
Deputy Head, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center, Ajman University, Since November 2021.
Teaching Area
Sociology of the Family
Applied Sociology
Anthropology of the Maghreb
Anthropology of the Maghreb
Kinship Anthropology
Social Changes and Familial Strategies (For Master's Students)
Social Changes and Familial Strategies (For Master's Students)
Gender Anthropology (For Master's Students)
Gender Anthropology (For Master's Students)
Modern Emirates Society
Graduation projects
Anthropology of religions
Anthropology of religions
Sociology of culture
Social Legislations
Emirates Studies
Social Research Methods and their application in Digital Society
Social Research Methods and their application in Digital Society
Anthropology of Kinship, Sociology of the Family, Gender, Migration and Asylum, Culture, Citizenship, Identity.
Anthropology of Kinship, Sociology of the Family, Gender, Migration and Asylum, Culture, Citizenship, Identity.
Digital Transformation
Analyzing the Impact of Metaverse Technology on Social Development: A Field Study on Generation Z in the United Arab Emirates, 2024, Social Sciences, Vol: vol. 13, Aug 2024
Analyzing the Impact of Metaverse Technology on Social Development: A Field Study on Generation Z in the United Arab Emirates, 2024, Social Sciences, Vol: vol. 13, Aug 2024
About the journal
Journal Name
Social Sciences
Book Chapter
Artificiel intelligence (AI) and social sciences transformations : challenges, opportunities and perspectives, 2024, Global Trends in AI, Trends for Research and Advisory
Artificiel intelligence (AI) and social sciences transformations : challenges, opportunities and perspectives, 2024, Global Trends in AI, Trends for Research and Advisory
About the journal
Trends for Research and Advisory
The Representations of Pearl Fishing and Trade Heritage by University’s Youth in the UAE. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 2023, Dirasat, Vol: 50, pp.592 - 603, Jan 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.35516/hum.v50i1.4446
The Representations of Pearl Fishing and Trade Heritage by University’s Youth in the UAE. Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, 2023, Dirasat, Vol: 50, pp.592 - 603, Jan 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.35516/hum.v50i1.4446
About the journal
Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences
The Post-2011 Football Terrace Chants in Tunisia: From the Stadium Stands to the Arena of Social Movements, 2022, Cosmopolitan Civil Societies, Vol: Vol 14 , Mar 2022
The Post-2011 Football Terrace Chants in Tunisia: From the Stadium Stands to the Arena of Social Movements, 2022, Cosmopolitan Civil Societies, Vol: Vol 14 , Mar 2022
About the journal
Journal Name
Cosmopolitan Civil Societies
Cosmopolitan Civil Societies
“L’adoption au Maghreb, Quid de l' exception tunisienne?”?” in Parentalité (s) et après? Vincent Meyer et Salvadore Stella (Dir), Collection Empan, Editions ERES, September 2021. (In French) https://www.editions-eres.com/ouvrage/4787/parentalite-s-et-apres
“L’adoption au Maghreb, Quid de l' exception tunisienne?”?” in Parentalité (s) et après? Vincent Meyer et Salvadore Stella (Dir), Collection Empan, Editions ERES, September 2021. (In French) https://www.editions-eres.com/ouvrage/4787/parentalite-s-et-apres
About the journal
Journal Name
Collective book : Parentalité (s) et après? Vincent Meyer et Salvadore Stella (Dir)
دور الوساطة الثقافية ودوائر التنشئة الأولية في المحافظة على تراث اللؤلؤ واستمراريته لدى الشباب الجامعي في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، مجلة جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز: الآداب والعلوم الانسانية، م29ع4 ص ص: 521- 558 (2021م) DOI:10.4197/Art.29-4.19
دور الوساطة الثقافية ودوائر التنشئة الأولية في المحافظة على تراث اللؤلؤ واستمراريته لدى الشباب الجامعي في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، مجلة جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز: الآداب والعلوم الانسانية، م29ع4 ص ص: 521- 558 (2021م) DOI:10.4197/Art.29-4.19
About the journal
Journal Name
مجلة جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز: الآداب والعلوم الانسانية
مجلة جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز: الآداب والعلوم الانسانية
De l'adoption en Tunisie: Controverses Filiales, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2020 ( Book)
De l'adoption en Tunisie: Controverses Filiales, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2020 ( Book)
From Ordinary Citizens to Transformative Leadership: Modes of Women Participation in Public Affairs in Tunisia Following 2011, Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, Malaysia (July 2020) (in Arabic)
From Ordinary Citizens to Transformative Leadership: Modes of Women Participation in Public Affairs in Tunisia Following 2011, Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, Malaysia (July 2020) (in Arabic)
Sufi Music and the Issue of Identity in Post 2011 Tunisia, Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, vol 10, Issue 2, 2020.
Sufi Music and the Issue of Identity in Post 2011 Tunisia, Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, vol 10, Issue 2, 2020.
The paper examines the meanings of the new configuration of Sufi music through "Al Ziara" performances and the intense youth interest in this musical genre, through crosscutting with the issue of cultural belonging and shaping the salient features of identity given the intertwining of the Sufi chanting and its related practices with popular culture.
Based on a qualitative approach, in which were applied half-directed interviews technique and focus groups with 20 young men and women from different states of the Republic of Tunisia, the study pointed out the role of Sufi music in its results dissolving the dichotomy between tradition and modernity. This tendency is manifested through the restoration of cultural elements inherent in the cultural heritage at the spiritual and social level alike, but through the cultural adaptation and renewal of old forms, as well as through the embrace of the ancient and the modern at the technical level.
The study revealed the relationship between the resonance that Sufi music senses when represented in “Al Ziara” performances, and the need and desire to belonging despite the different symbolic value of this musical kind and its purposes in terms of its individual (social escalation) and collective (new social links) functions.
Sufi music, civilization, visit, identity, popular culture, Tunisian youth, belonging.
About the journal
Journal Name
Global Journal Al-Thaqafah
Syrian Women Migrants in Tunisia: The experience of forced migration and the difficulty of settling down”, Omran, vol 6, n24, April 2018
Syrian Women Migrants in Tunisia: The experience of forced migration and the difficulty of settling down”, Omran, vol 6, n24, April 2018
Alterity and management of differences in religious affiliations in Tunisia, report on the religious state in Tunisia, ASSF, Mouminoun without borders, 2018
Alterity and management of differences in religious affiliations in Tunisia, report on the religious state in Tunisia, ASSF, Mouminoun without borders, 2018
Women in political and civic life, obstacles and Challenges to overcome them, Morocco, Tunisia, Occupied Palestine Territories, Yemen, CAWTAR,(Center of Arab Women for Training and Research) , 2016
Women in political and civic life, obstacles and Challenges to overcome them, Morocco, Tunisia, Occupied Palestine Territories, Yemen, CAWTAR,(Center of Arab Women for Training and Research) , 2016
La filiation adoptive en Tunisie : débats des législations, in The Maghreb Review, volume 40, n°2 London, 2015
La filiation adoptive en Tunisie : débats des législations, in The Maghreb Review, volume 40, n°2 London, 2015
Conference Presentation
Chairperson of the International Conference on Family and Society, with the inaugural edition held at Ajman University on April 24-25, 2024, titled "Family Studies and Digital Transformation: New Changes and Challenges."
Chairperson of the International Conference on Family and Society, with the inaugural edition held at Ajman University on April 24-25, 2024, titled "Family Studies and Digital Transformation: New Changes and Challenges."
Organized a seminar titled: "Research Productivity of Higher Education Institutions in Arab Gulf Countries," Humanities and Social Sciences Research Centre, March 8, 2023.
Organized a seminar titled: "Research Productivity of Higher Education Institutions in Arab Gulf Countries," Humanities and Social Sciences Research Centre, March 8, 2023.
Organized a Webinar titled: "Qualitative Methods and Their Importance in Contemporary Research," Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center, Ajman University, February 23, 2022.
Organized a Webinar titled: "Qualitative Methods and Their Importance in Contemporary Research," Humanities and Social Sciences Research Center, Ajman University, February 23, 2022.
Participation in the 3rd World Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (SHCONF), Prague, April 23-25, 2021.
Participation in the 3rd World Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (SHCONF), Prague, April 23-25, 2021.
Participation in the 20th ICIE-Ajman International Conference 2021 on "Excellence, Gifted Education, Innovation, & Creativity in Basic and Higher Education," UAE, June 2021.
Participation in the 20th ICIE-Ajman International Conference 2021 on "Excellence, Gifted Education, Innovation, & Creativity in Basic and Higher Education," UAE, June 2021.
Organized a Webinar titled: "Demographic Transition in Times of Crisis: What Are the Consequences of Covid-19?" Ajman University, February 11, 2021.
Organized a Webinar titled: "Demographic Transition in Times of Crisis: What Are the Consequences of Covid-19?" Ajman University, February 11, 2021.
World Literature and the Global South, Sydney University, Australia, August 2019.
World Literature and the Global South, Sydney University, Australia, August 2019.
"Argumentation and Society: For a Dialogue Without Violence," Sorbonne Abu Dhabi, UAE, February 12-13, 2019.
"Argumentation and Society: For a Dialogue Without Violence," Sorbonne Abu Dhabi, UAE, February 12-13, 2019.
Organization of a Seminar: "Sociology of Social and Cultural Changes in Arab Societies: Plurality of Visions and Methods," Ajman University, April 17-18, 2019.
Organization of a Seminar: "Sociology of Social and Cultural Changes in Arab Societies: Plurality of Visions and Methods," Ajman University, April 17-18, 2019.
Women’s Participation in Civic Life in Tunisia, Liege University, Belgium, October 2018.
Women’s Participation in Civic Life in Tunisia, Liege University, Belgium, October 2018.
Participation in the international conference "Refugees in the Middle East: Human Security, International Community Obligations, and Hosting Communities' Roles," organized by the Refugee, Displaced Persons, and Forced Migration Studies Center, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, May 3-4, 2017.
Participation in the international conference "Refugees in the Middle East: Human Security, International Community Obligations, and Hosting Communities' Roles," organized by the Refugee, Displaced Persons, and Forced Migration Studies Center, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, May 3-4, 2017.
Participation in the course organized by the International Institute of Humanitarian Law and UNHCR on "International Refugee Law," Tunis, Tunisia, April 26-28, 2017.
Participation in the course organized by the International Institute of Humanitarian Law and UNHCR on "International Refugee Law," Tunis, Tunisia, April 26-28, 2017.
Participation in the short course organized by the Refugee Studies Centre on "Palestine Refugees and International Law," British Institute, Amman, Jordan, March 10-11, 2017.
Participation in the short course organized by the Refugee Studies Centre on "Palestine Refugees and International Law," British Institute, Amman, Jordan, March 10-11, 2017.
"Law and Society Facing Forced Migration: The Case of Syrian Female Refugees in Tunisia," Morocco, December 10, 2016.
"Law and Society Facing Forced Migration: The Case of Syrian Female Refugees in Tunisia," Morocco, December 10, 2016.
"Collective Identities, Comparative Approaches" (AISLF), Centre d'Études, de Recherches et d'Éducation Socialiste (CERES) and others, Tunis, November 7-8, 2016.
"Collective Identities, Comparative Approaches" (AISLF), Centre d'Études, de Recherches et d'Éducation Socialiste (CERES) and others, Tunis, November 7-8, 2016.
Participation in the Summer School Program on “Migration and Development” organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM): Conducting a Workshop on the Needs and Rights of Refugees, Tunis, Tunisia, August 29 – September 3, 2016.
Participation in the Summer School Program on “Migration and Development” organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM): Conducting a Workshop on the Needs and Rights of Refugees, Tunis, Tunisia, August 29 – September 3, 2016.
"Migration, Gender, and Globalization," RUSEMEG, CAWTAR, and others, Tunis, Tunisia, May 11, 2016.
"Migration, Gender, and Globalization," RUSEMEG, CAWTAR, and others, Tunis, Tunisia, May 11, 2016.
"Adoption Between Sharia Law and National Law in Tunisia," IISM, Paris, January 28, 2010.
"Adoption Between Sharia Law and National Law in Tunisia," IISM, Paris, January 28, 2010.
Memberships, Awards and Honors
Excellence in Internationalization Award, Ajman University, November 2023.
Excellence in Internationalization Award, Ajman University, November 2023.
Member of an Awarded Project by the French National Agency for Research (ANR-MRSEI), September 2021.
Member of an Awarded Project by the French National Agency for Research (ANR-MRSEI), September 2021.
Member of the International Sociological Association (ISA).
Member of the International Sociological Association (ISA).
Member of the Research Unit TTM (Transmission, Transition, and Mobility), College of Arts and Humanities, Tunisia.
Member of the Research Unit TTM (Transmission, Transition, and Mobility), College of Arts and Humanities, Tunisia.
Member of the Center for Anthropology and African Studies, FLSH, Sousse, Tunisia.
Member of the Center for Anthropology and African Studies, FLSH, Sousse, Tunisia.
External Expert at CAWTAR (Center of Arab Women for Training and Research).
External Expert at CAWTAR (Center of Arab Women for Training and Research).
Scholarship and Full Tuition Fees for Outstanding Students, Ministry of Higher Education, Tunisia, 2000.
Scholarship and Full Tuition Fees for Outstanding Students, Ministry of Higher Education, Tunisia, 2000.