Nagwa Babiker Abdalla Yousif
  • Nagwa Babiker Abdalla Yousif

  • Assistant Professor
  • Ext: 6942

Dr. Nagwa Babiker Abdalla Yousif completed her Ph.D. in 2009 and resumed her role as an Assistant Professor at Ahfad University, where she taught subjects related to sociology and social work. In 2016, she joined Ajman University (AU), assuming the same role and responsibilities, continuing to teach in the fields of sociology, social work, and other related disciplines. Her research interests span multidisciplinary areas, including assessments of social work and community development programs and projects, gender issues, women’s empowerment, social institution policies, and welfare for youth, the elderly, individuals with special needs, and families and children. Since joining the AU faculty, Dr. Yousif has embraced a collaborative, team-oriented approach, working closely with academic colleagues to enhance teaching, research, and community service, all while aligning with the goals of the college and AU.

  • Doctor of Literature and Philosophy in Development Studies, University of Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 2009.
  • Master of Arts in Rural Social Development, School of Education, University of Reading, United Kingdom,1986.
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Social Development, School of Education, University of Reading, United Kingdom,1985.
  • Graduate Diploma in Psychology and Pre-school Education, Ahfad University College for Women, Sudan, 1981.
  • Assistant Professor, College of Humanities and Sciences, Department of Sociology, Ajman University, UAE – Six years.
  • National Programme Coordinator, HelpAge International, Sudan – One year and six months.
  • Assistant Professor, School of Extension Education and Development, College of Humanities, Ahfad University, Sudan – Ten years.
  • United Nations Expert and Consultant, United Nations Organizations, Jordan, Yemen, Bangladesh, and Malawi – Six years.
  • Teaching Assistant, College of Humanities, School of Extension Education and Development, Ahfad University, Sudan – Seven years.
Teaching Area
  • Postgraduate Courses: Social Research Methods, Monitoring and Evaluation, Social Planning.
  • Undergraduate Courses: Politics of Sociology, Sociology of Development, Emirati Studies/ENG, Approach to Individual Services, Welfare for Special Needs, English Texts in Sociology and Social Work, Introduction to Social Work, Introduction to University Life, Areas of Social Work, Social Responsibility/ENG, Social Service & Juvenile Welfare, Approach to Community Organization, Graduation Projects, Social Psychology, Juvenile Delinquency Welfare, Approach to Community Services, Social Problems, Social Work and Local Community, Welfare of the Elderly, Training in Social Institutions 1 & 2, Family and Childhood, Family Counseling, Social Work and Social Defense, History of Social Thinking, Demography, Applied Sociology, Research Methods, Research Design and Applications.
  • Research interests include multidisciplinary research assessments, monitoring and evaluation of community development interventions in social work and community development, sustainability and development, women’s socio-economic empowerment, gender analysis and issues, youth, elderly people, voluntary work, early childhood education and development, people with special needs, social responsibility, Emirati studies, and all sociology and social work subjects.
Conference Presentation
  • Government of Sharjah Social Services Department, Seventh Social Work Conference under the slogan: "Looking Ahead to the Future of Social Service," 12-13 April 2016.
  • Seventh Social Service Conference: "Coaching Skills and Marital Therapy," 13-14 April 2016, Sharjah, UAE.
  • Certificate of participation in the International Scientific Conference entitled "Crime and Society," held in Amman, Jordan, in cooperation with the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies (Egypt) and the Laboratory of Organizational Development and Human Resources Management, University of Blida 2, Algeria, on 25-26 December 2017. The intervention presented was titled: "The Role of Social Development Institutions in Crime Prevention in the United Arab Emirates: An Analytical Field Study on a Sample of Youth."
  • Certificate of Participation in the Regional Conference on the Role and Responsibilities of Civil Society in Combating Intolerance and Inciting Hatred, organized by the Emirates Human Rights Association, held on 6-7 February 2017.
  • Certificate of Participation in the Ninth International Scientific Academic Conference titled 'Contemporary Trends in Social, Human, and Natural Sciences,' held on July 17 and 18, 2018, in Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Certificate of Participation from the Academy of Police Sciences in Sharjah for the Arab Day for Human Rights event under the slogan 'Human Rights, Development, and Sustainability,' held at the University of Sharjah on March 19, 2018.
  • Acknowledgment for valuable participation in the regional conference 'The Role of Civil Society Responsibility in Fighting Intolerance and Incitement of Hate,' organized by the Emirates Human Rights Association, held in Dubai on February 6-7, 2017.
  • Awarded recognition and appreciation from the Arab Conferences Network for the activities of the Ninth International Scientific Conference titled 'Contemporary Trends in Humanities and Natural Sciences,' for the scientific paper titled 'Resilience of Vulnerable Internally Displaced Persons between Humanitarian Food Security Assistance and Sustainable Social Development Programmes in West Darfur,' held from July 17-18, 2018, under the umbrella of the American Research Foundation.
  • Awarded an appreciation certificate at the 10th International Scientific Academic Conference titled 'Geophysical, Social, Human, and Natural Challenges in a Changing Environment,' for the scientific paper titled 'Use of Focus Group Discussion as a Qualitative Research Tool for Empowering Rural Women in Food Security and Milk Processing Activities: A Field Study in Geneina, West Darfur,' held on July 25th-26th, 2019, in Istanbul, Turkey.
  • The 11th Social Work Conference on the topic of "Social Capital and Its Impact on Social Development," organized by the Government of Sharjah - Social Services Department, was held on the virtual platform (Zoom) on Wednesday, 24th June 2020.
  • Conference on Old People Services under the title "Empowerment and Effective Participation of Older People," held on 2nd October 2019, organized by the Government of Sharjah – Social Services Department in cooperation with WHO, Sharjah, UAE.
  • Awarded membership from the Arab Conferences Network in recognition of the efforts made toward the success of the 10th International Scientific Conference titled "Geophysical, Social, Human, and Natural Challenges in a Changing Environment," held under the umbrella of the American Research Foundation on 25-26 July 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • "Year of Zayed (YOZ): First Forum for University Social Responsibility (USR),” held at Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi Campus, on November 20, 2018.
  • A certificate of appreciation and gratitude was awarded for participation in the success of the activities of the Community Forum and for caring for people of determination by the General Command of Ras Al Khaimah Police in March 2018.
  • Awarded membership from the Arab Conferences Network in recognition of the efforts made toward the success of the Ninth International Scientific Conference titled "Contemporary Trends in Humanities and Natural Sciences," held from 17-18 July 2018 under the umbrella of the American Research Foundation.
  • The 12th GCC Conference for Social Associations, under the title "Social Empowerment for Strengthening Sustainable Development in the GCC," held from 19-21 November 2019 at Gasimia Sharjah University, UAE.
  • Certificate of participation in the Sixth Forum on Elderly Services, under the slogan "Age-Friendly Cities," held on September 24, 2017, focusing on the axis of accessibility to environments, organized by the Social Services Department, Government of Sharjah.
  • A Certificate of Appreciation was awarded in recognition of participation in the celebration of World Health Day on 9th April 2019 at Thumbay Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Hospital, Thumbay Medicity, Al Jurf, Ajman.
  • A Certificate of Appreciation was awarded for active participation in the success of the workshop "Plans for Your Future" by the Social Development Center, Ajman, on 27th November 2018.
  • A Certificate of Appreciation and Gratitude was awarded for being a member of the scientific committee of the International Conference on "Civil Society Organizations and Sustainable Development," organized by the Prince Abdul Qadir Al-Jazaery Center and Akouf Studies Foundation (Istanbul), in collaboration with the Organizational Development Laboratory and Human Resources Management and the Laboratory of Measurement and Psychological Studies, University of Blida 2, Algeria, held on 25-26 December 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Participated in the Annual International Forum on Education and Mental Health (IFEMH 2024) with a presentation titled "Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education" on February 28 and 29, 2024, organized by the Deanship of Student Services at Ajman University.
  • Certificate of Appreciation and Recognition for the intervention titled: "The Role of Societal Institutions in Empowering Emirati Women Economically and Socially: A Field Study in the Emirate of Ajman," and for contributing to the success of the International Conference on Civil Society Organizations and Sustainable Development, organized by the Prince Abdul Qadir Al-Jazaery Center and Akouf Studies Foundation (Istanbul), in collaboration with the Organizational Development Laboratory and Human Resources Management and the Laboratory of Measurement and Psychological Studies, University of Blida 2, Algeria, held from March 28–30, 2018, in Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Keynote Presentation Served as a Plenary Speaker at the 4th International Webinar on Clinical Psychology and Mental Health, held online on February 4–5, 2022 (GMT 13:00 PM, London | UK). The event, titled "Clinical Psychology & Mental Health 2022," featured the presentation: "The Social and Psychological Effects of Inclusive Education of Persons with Hearing Disability in Society: A Field Study at the Disability Resource Centre (Sharjah University)."
  • Participated in the International Scientific Conference titled "Digital Communication in the Era of Social Transformations," organized by the College of Mass Communication and the College of Humanities on April 16–17, 2017.
  • Award Certificate in recognition of participation at the workshop titled "Family Relationships and Their Reflection on the Personality of Children," organized by the Counseling Unit, Deanship of Student Services, Ajman University, on April 22, 2024.
  • Participated with Research Paper titled: “The Effect of Distance Education on the Academic Achievement of Children in Primary Schools During the Corona Period in the Emirate of Dubai – Field Study.” Edited and supervised by: Dr. Nagwa Babiker Abdalla Yousif and the six graduate researchers: Maryam Amber Esmaeel Almazrouei Ibrahim Mohammad Salem Alzaabi Abdalla Sultan Rashied Abdalla Alshamsi Maitha Abdalla Juma Salim Alsuwaidi Noor Fathi Hassan Zammo Aloqaily The study was presented at the 5th International Conference on Education Technology Management (ICETM 2022) at the University of Lincoln, UK, held from December 16–18, 2022. The paper was accepted and will be published in the International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-9802-2), which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.
  • Participated in the 29th International Social Science Conference titled “Recent Studies and Ideas” (ICSS XXIX), held at Lisbon University, Portugal, on July 1-2, 2022. Title of the Paper: “Sudanese Women Living with HIV/AIDS: Stigma and Discrimination,” published in the European Journal of Social Sciences.
  • Clinical Psychology & Mental Health 2022 February 4-5, 2022, Online Meeting (GMT 13:00 PM, London | UK) Paper Title: “The Social and Psychological Effects of Inclusive Education of Persons with Hearing Disability in Society: A Field Study at the Disability Resource Centre (Sharjah University).”
  • Participated in "Coping to a Pandemic: From Strategies to Resilience," organized by the College of Humanities and Sciences, on Wednesday, February 3, 2021. Also participated in the MENA Women’s Health Congruence Virtual Series, held on November 26, 2021.
  • Presentation: A dialogue meeting entitled: The Adherence of Generations & Its Importance to the family - Organized by the Senior Citizens Happiness Center - Ministry of Community Development - Ajman - 03-18-2021
  • Winner of the 4th AU Students’ Research Day on June 6th, 2021 Graduation Research Title: “Attitudes of Ajman University Students Towards Distance Learning in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
  • Award Certificate for Publishing with Impact and a Route to Open Access, awarded by SPRINGER NATURE on November 23, 2021.
  • Award Certificate for participation in the College Conference on Excellence, Gifted Education, Innovation, & Creativity in Basic and Higher Education as a Paper Presenter (published in Scopus) and as a Moderator with the UAE Ministry of Health, held in Ajman, UAE, on June 10, 2021.
  • Participation in the 29th World Conference on Applied Science, Engineering, and Technology (WCASET-2020) (Virtual Conference) Title of the Study: “Climate Change Challenges and Opportunities: Baseline Study of Gereikh Administrative Unit, Bara Locality, North Kordofan, Sudan” Presented by the Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP).
  • Participation in the “Hemaya International Virtual Symposium” on "Challenges in Dealing with Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Use During the Period of Precautionary Measures to Counter COVID-19," organized by Dubai Police, Hemaya International Center, Government of Dubai, on May 20, 2020.
  • Participation in the 4th Aqdar World Summit 2021 held from October 25-27, 2021 at the Dubai Exhibition Centre, Expo 2020 Dubai, under the theme “Positive Global Citizenship: Empowerment of Sustainable Investment Opportunities.”
  • Participation in the IFERP International Conference: 29th World Conference on Applied Science, Engineering, and Technology (WCASET-2020) on October 14, 2020. Title of the Paper: "Climate Change Challenges and Opportunities: Baseline Study of Gereikh Administrative Unit, Bara Locality, North Kordofan, Sudan."
  • Publication in the Global Proceedings Repository by the American Research Foundation (ISSN 2476-017X) Title of the Paper: “Use of Focus Group Discussion as a Qualitative Research Tool for Empowering Rural Women in Food Security and Milk Processing Activities: A Field Study in Geneina, West Darfur.”, August 26, 2019.
  • Publication in the Global Proceedings Repository by the American Research Foundation (ISSN 2476-017X) Title of the Paper: “Resilience of Vulnerable Internally Displaced Persons Between Humanitarian Food Security Assistance and Sustainable Social Development Programmes in West Darfur.” Conference: Conferences on Arts, Humanities, and Natural Sciences, 2018.
  • Acknowledgment for Distinguished Participation in the activities of World Elderly Day 2017, organized by the Elderly Care Institution, Ministry of Community Development, Ajman, on September 10, 2017.
  • Certificate of Appreciation and Gratitude for being a Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on "Civil Society Organizations and Sustainable Development," organized by the Prince Abdul Qadir Al-Jazaery Center and Akouf Studies Foundation (Istanbul), the Organizational Development Laboratory and Human Resources Management, and the Laboratory of Measurement and Psychological Studies, held at Blida 2 University, Algeria, from March 28-30, 2018.
Memberships, Awards and Honors
  • Member of the Babiker Badri Scientific Association for Women Studies, Sudan.
  • Member of the Women in Development Groups – UNDP – Yemen.
  • Member of the Sudan Family Planning Association – Sudan.
  • Member of the Sudan National Committee on Traditional Practices (SNCTP).
  • Member of The British Association of Social Workers.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Civil Society Organizations and Sustainable Development, held in Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Ninth International Scientific Academic Conference on “Contemporary Trends in Social, Human, and Natural Sciences,” held on July 17-18, 2018, in Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Tenth International Scientific Academic Conference under the title “Geophysical, Social, Human, and Natural Challenges in a Changing Environment,” held on July 25-26, 2019, in Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Member of the Scientific Research Committees, Department Committee.
  • Member of the International Accreditation Committee, Department Committee.
  • Member of the Academic Advising and Training Committee, Department Committee.
  • Member of the International Academic Accreditation Committee, College Committee.
  • Member of the Scientific Research Committees, College Committee (2018-2019).
  • Member of the Academic Advising and Training Committee, College Committee.
  • Member of the Evaluation and Continuous Improvement Committee, Department Committee.
  • Member of the Department Committee: Graduation Project Discussion Committee.
  • Member of the Department Committee: Institutional Training Discussion Committee.
  • Certificate of Appreciation from Umm Al Moumineen Association, Ajman, for presenting a workshop titled “Developing the Skills of the Social Worker”. Awarded by Umm Al Moumineen Association, Ajman, January 2011.
  • Awarded Membership from the Arab Conferences Network in recognition of contributions to the success of the 10th International Scientific Conference titled "Geophysical, Social, Human, and Natural Challenges in a Changing Environment", held under the umbrella of the American Research Foundation, 25-26 July 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for supervising the best scientific research project titled "Social Empowerment of Determination in the Fields of Work in Fujairah Emirate (Field Study of a Sample of Workers in Fujairah Police Centers)", presented at the 2nd AU Students’ Research Day, held at Ajman University, Ajman, UAE, on 2nd May 2019.
  • A Certificate of Appreciation was awarded in recognition of participation in organizing the scientific symposium titled "Sociology of Social and Cultural Changes in Arab Societies: Multiple Visions and Approaches", organized by the College of Humanities and Sciences, April 2019.
  • Awarded Membership from the Arab Conferences Network in recognition of efforts contributing to the success of the Ninth International Scientific Conference titled "Contemporary Trends in Humanities and Natural Sciences", held from 17-18 July 2018, under the umbrella of the American Research Foundation.
  • A Certificate of Thanks and Appreciation was awarded for fruitful participation in organizing the activities of the Second International Scientific Conference titled "Problems of Social Studies in a Changing World", organized by the College of Information and Humanities, held on 25-26 April 2018.
  • A Certificate of Appreciation and Gratitude was awarded for being a member of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Civil Society Organizations and Sustainable Development, organized by the Prince Abdul Qadir Al-Jazaery Center and Akouf Studies Foundation (Istanbul), along with the University of Blida 2, Algeria, focusing on "Organizational Development Laboratory and Human Resources Management, and Laboratory Measurement and Psychological Studies", held on 25-26 December 2017, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Certificate of Acknowledgment for active participation in training female escorts of the elderly on safe and effective ways to care for the elderly psychologically, socially, and healthily, at the Nursing Home in Ajman, on 10 September 2017
  • Certificate of Acknowledgment for active participation in the activities of the "First Forum of Partners of the Department of Sociology and Social Work", held on 18 May 2017.
  • Awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from the College of Humanities and Science, Ajman University, for distinguished efforts and contributions to research and the role in the university's progress in global rankings, on 19 February 2020.
  • Member of the Department Committee: Information and Documentation Committee.
  • Chairperson of the College QAA Requirement #1 Committee.
  • Member of the Committee for QAA Recommendation #1.
  • Distinguished Scholar Award for the publication in a high-indexed journal on Scopus, Ajman University, 2019.
  • Two Awards for supervising the Best Scientific Research Project, Ajman University, in 2019 and 2020.
  • Distinguished Scholar Award from the European Journal of Scientific Science and the Ad Hoc Scientific Award Committee and Editorial Board, in recognition of an outstanding scholarly contribution to scientific knowledge, 2020.
  • Chairperson of the Department Committee: Information and Documentation Committee.
  • Member of the Department Committee: Activities and Events Committee.
  • Member of the Department Committee: Academic Accreditation, Evaluation, and Continuous Improvement Committee.
  • Member of the Author Learning Center and Member of an International Committee, Indiana, USA.
  • International Journal Reviewer for Heliyon Journal.
  • Winner of the 4th AU Students’ Research Day, held on June 6th, 2021, for the graduation research titled: "Attitudes of Ajman University Students Towards Distance Learning in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic."
  • Award Certificate for participation in the College Conference: "Excellence, Gifted Education, Innovation, & Creativity in Basic and Higher Education," as a Paper Presenter and Moderator, Ajman, UAE, June 10, 2021.
  • Award: 7th VENUS International Women Award by the VENUS International Foundation Category: Lifetime Achievement in Sociology, Year: 2022
  • Winner of the 5th AU Students’ Research Day, held on June 8th, 2022, for the graduation research titles: "Effect of Distance Learning on Children’s Academic Achievement in Primary Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Dubai Emirate - Field Study." "The Psycho-Social Effect of Drug Addiction Among Young Inmates at the Punitive and Correctional Institution in the Emirate of Sharjah - Field Study.".
  • Reviewer for the Journal: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
  • Award Certificate of Editorial Board Membership in recognition of the appointment as an Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Public Policy and Administration (JPPA), ISSN Print: 2640-2688; ISSN Online: 2640-2696, from June 21, 2022 to June 21, 2024.
  • Technical Committee Member for the 5th International Conference on Education Technology Management (ICETM 2022), University of Lincoln, UK.
  • Internal Examiner for the MA in Public Relations and Corporate Communication, College of Mass Communication, Ajman University, June 23, 2022.
  • Award Certificate of Attendance for the Forum for Open Research in MENA, held on 26-27 October 2022 at The Westin Cairo.
  • Participant with a poster at the Annual International Forum on Education and Mental Health (IFEMH 2024), themed "Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education", on February 28-29, 2024 (10:00 AM - 5:00 PM), organized by the Deanship of Student Services at Ajman University.
  • Member of UAE Net Expert, participated in the 9th Graduate Students Research Conference (GSRC) for Oral & Poster Sessions Evaluation, hosted by United Arab Emirates University, on April 20, 2024, in Al Ain.
  • Award Certificate for participation with scientific research in the Family and Society Conference - 1st Edition, themed "Family Studies and Digital Transformation: New Changes and Challenges", held on April 24th and 25th.
  • In recognition of participation in presenting the workshop "Family Relationships and Their Reflection on the Personality of Children", on April 22, 2024.
  • Participation in various Continuous Professional Development (CPD) learning courses conducted by Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), OIPE, IT, and Qedex, in 2023.
  • Participation with research paper titled: “The Effect of Distance Education on the Academic Achievement of Children in Primary Schools During the Corona Period in the Emirate of Dubai - Field Study.” Edited & Supervised by: Dr. Nagwa Babiker Abdalla Yousif and six graduate researchers: Maryam Amber Esmaeel Almazrouei, Ibrahim Mohammad Salem Alzaabi, Abdalla Sultan Rashied Abdalla Alshamsi, Maitha Abdalla Juma Salim Alsuwaidi, Noor Fathi Hassan Zammo Aloqaily. The study paper was presented at the 5th International Conference on Education Technology Management (ICETM 2022), University of Lincoln, UK, during December 16-18, 2022. It has been accepted and will be published in the International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-9802-2), archived in the ACM Digital Library, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.
  • Certificate of Attendance and Participation for one graduate student in the 10th University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS), organized by Humanitarian Affairs in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Malaysia, held from July 31 to August 7, 2019.
  • Awarded Certificate of Completion for the training workshop titled "Restoring Peace and Safety in Families Impacted by Domestic Violence", organized by the Cambridge Centre for Consolation, Research, and Training, UAE.
  • An Award Certificate was presented in recognition of participation in the workshop titled "Family Relationships and Their Reflection on the Personality of Children," organized by the Counseling Unit, Deanship of Student Services, Ajman University, on April 22, 2024.