Dr. Nagwa Babiker Abdalla Yousif completed her Ph.D. in 2009 and resumed her role as an Assistant Professor at Ahfad University, where she taught subjects related to sociology and social work. In 2016, she joined Ajman University (AU), assuming the same role and responsibilities, continuing to teach in the fields of sociology, social work, and other related disciplines. Her research interests span multidisciplinary areas, including assessments of social work and community development programs and projects, gender issues, women’s empowerment, social institution policies, and welfare for youth, the elderly, individuals with special needs, and families and children. Since joining the AU faculty, Dr. Yousif has embraced a collaborative, team-oriented approach, working closely with academic colleagues to enhance teaching, research, and community service, all while aligning with the goals of the college and AU.
Abstract Considering the current role of technology, this research aims to investigate the impact of the metaverse on social development and psychological well-being in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The focus remains on Generation Z, as an important portion of the country’s metaverse users. Supported by the technology determinism theory, this research used a structured questionnaire to gather data from 363 respondents. The analysis indicates that metaverse technology significantly impacts social development and psychological well-being. The effect of metaverse technology on social development remained positive, with the p-value at p > 0.000. In addition, metaverse technology also has a significant positive effect on psychological well-being (p > 0.000), with the findings showing strong statistical support for this relationship. These results confirm that metaverse technology plays a significant role in improving both social and psychological facets. Thus, it is concluded that the metaverse creates immersive virtual environments that help unique forms of social interaction and connectivity, confounding geographical barriers. This can improve social skills and communication and promote a strong sense of community. The metaverse offers a directed and engaging space to practice social interactions and gain confidence, indicating its positive, constructive role in society. Keywords: metaverse technology; social development; Generation Z; psychological wellbeing; partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM)
Abstract This research article examines the relationship between the level of social welfare expenditure and economic growth rates, based on unbalanced panel data from 38 OECD countries covering the period from 1985 to 2022. Four hypotheses are formulated regarding the impact of social expenditure on economic growth rates. Through multiple iterations of regression model building, employing various combinations of dependent and independent variables, and conducting tests for stationarity and causality, compelling emp irical evidence was obtained on the negative influence of social welfare spending on economic growth rates. The study takes into account both government and non-governmental expenditures on social welfare, a novelty in this field. This approach allows for a detailed examination of the effects of different components on economic growth and provides a more comprehensive understanding of the relationships. The findings indicate that countries with high levels of social welfare spending experience a slowdown in economic growth rates. This is associated with increasing demands on social security systems, their growing inclusivity, and the escalating required levels of financing, which are increasingly covered by debt sources. The research highlights the need to strike a balance between social expenditures and economic growth rates and proposes a set of measures to ensure economic growth outpaces the indexing of social expenditures. The abstract underscores the relevance of the study in light of the widespread recognition of the necessity to combat inequality, poverty, and destitution, and calls on OECD countries’ governments to pay increased attention to social policy in order to achieve sustainable and balanced economic growth. © 2024 by author(s). Author keywords economic growth; poverty; public finance; social expenditures; social security financial model; urban studies; welfare programs; welfare state
versity, Almaty 050000, Kazakhstan 5 Financial Faculty, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 125167 Moscow, Russia 6 Western Caspian University, Baku AZ 1001, Republic of Azerbaijan * Corresponding author: Alexey Mikhaylov, alexeyfa@ya.ru Abstract: Many financial crises have occurred in recent decades, such as the International Debt Crisis of 1982, the East Asian Economic Crisis of 1997–2001, the Russian economic crisis of 1992–1997, the Latin American debt Crisis of 1994–2002, the Global Economic Recession of 2007–2009, which had a strong impact on international relations. The aim of this article is to create an econometric model of the indicator for identifying crisis situations arising in stock markets. The approach under consideration includes data for preprocessing and assessing the stability of the trend of time series using higher-order moments. The results obtained are compared with specific practical situations. To test the proposed indicator, real data of the stock indices of the USA, Germany and Hong Kong in the period World Financial Crisis are used. The scientific novelty of the results of the article consists in the analysis of the initial and given initial moments of high order, as well as the central and reduced central moments of high order. The econometric model of the indicator for identifying crisis situations arising considered in the work, based on high-order moments plays a pivotal role in crisis detection in stock markets, influencing financial innovations in managing the national economy. The findings contribute to the resilience and adaptability of the financial system, ultimately shaping the trajectory of the national economy. By facilitating timely crisis detection, the model supports efforts to maintain economic stability, thereby fostering sustainable growth and resilience in the face of financial disruptions. The model’s insights can shape the national innovation ecosystem by guiding the development and adoption of monetary and financial innovations that are aligned with the economy’s specific needs and challenges. Keywords: time series; statistical moment; point valuation; assets
Abstract This research aims to establish the effectiveness of the online training course on the ability of women to resist psychological, physical, sexual, and other forms of violence against women. It enrolled 108 women aged 18 to 48 years old, who applied for help from a voluntary online relief organization in Sudan and attended online training for a year. The tools were the Rogers Empowerment Scale (ESR) and the Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI). There was an increase in all three ESR subscales: in Group A (psychological violence), Group B (physical violence), and Group C (sexual violence), the increase was 1.84 to 3.99, 1.74 to 3.08, and 0.48 to 2.31, respectively. In Group A and Group B, the differences were significant for all subscales; in Group C, all but Power-Powerlessness and Optimism and Control over the Future were significant. The PTGI subscales also showed an increase in Relating to Others, New Possibilities, Personal Strength, Spiritual Change, and Appreciation of Life. The findings substantiate the efficacy of an online training course within the context of psychological and physical violence, and to some extent, sexual violence. The study underscores the universality and adaptability of online education programs in addressing the intricate and multifaceted nature of violence against women, by eliminating geographical barriers and ensuring resource accessibility for women in remote areas. Significant improvements in self-esteem, personal empowerment, and overall enhancement of rights and opportunities among participants emphasize the transformative potential of educational initiatives, which aid in halting violence and restoring women’s autonomy. The practical implications are profound, as the findings can be utilized for the implementation and expansion of online education programs adaptable to diverse contexts, emphasizing the imperative of investing in digital solutions.
Abstract In this regard the key factor determining the success of the mining industry is the cost of electricity. By understanding the risks associated with crypto mining industry. The method is based on systemic literature review and bibliometric analysis exploring keyword “bitcoin mining”. This review paper studies 50 papers for the period of 2019–2023. The results propose recommendations for crypto miners. Currently, the results confirm that bitcoin mainly depends on the consumption of inexpensive electricity. Consequently, the bitcoin network predominantly uses energy in regions where it is abundant and cannot be stored or exported. Most miners rely on electricity generated from hydroelectric power plants, geysers and geothermal sources, which are not easy to transport or store. Bitcoin will continue to look for such cost-effective and underutilized energy sources, as mining in urban areas or industrial centers will remain financially unviable. If the price of bitcoin stabilizes and a sufficient number of miners enter the market, it is quite possible that in the near future we may witness a fivefold increase in their energy consumption. Keywords cryptocurrency; mining; bitcoin; inflation
Abstract: The study identifies and measures the emotional aspects affecting students’ learning and motivation as well as their relationship with the social and psychological environment in their family. Solving emotional problems was also one of the goals. In total, 50 schoolchildren, 16 to 18 years of age, took part in the experiment. Their parents also participated in the study for family therapy sessions. The experiment was conducted at Ajman Private School, Ajman Emirate, Ajman, United Arab Emirates. Prior to the study, graduates took a series of questionnaires to measure their emotional state. During the experiment, respondents had conversations with a social worker and an art therapist once a week. During conversations, a social worker helped the students and their parents to understand the difficulties in their relationships and to come to compromises. In art therapy sessions, respondents expressed their negative emotions on the canvas using art materials. The study lasted four months. Also, at the middle and end of the experiment, respondents took a series of tests to measure their progress over time. The outcomes demonstrated not only the interrelation of family support and emotional state but also the effectiveness of the chosen methodology. The average score on the Beck Depression Inventory prior to the study was 6.8 out of 10 points. On the Taylor’s Manifest Anxiety Scale, the average score was 7.4 points. According to the WAM test, the ‘wellbeing’ factor before the beginning of the experiment was equal to 4.9 points. Keywords: art therapy; depression; emotional state of students; family therapy; social work
Social work plays a vital role in containing the corona crisis that has affected millions of people during the last few years. This study aims to identify how social work services respond to the urgent social needs of senior citizens. The descriptive-analytical approach was adopted with 50 social workers who work at senior citizens centers in Ajman & Al Sharjah Emirates. The study results reveal modifications in senior citizens’ policies and strategic partnerships. Introduction of new high-technology instruments for implementing online social work interventions. Health Care mobile unit was suspended, and more emphasis is placed on using sustainable and high-quality medical and social services. Social workers' roles have accommodated participation in the implementation and supervision of new initiatives of online club models-Assala, receiving and responding to requests, supervising subsidies, home nursing, and providing social and psychological care. Also, coordinated with relevant institutions, executing research work, reports writing, and adopting WhatsApp group, telephone, Zoom, and other intelligent devices.
Abstract This study aimed to examine the effect of distance education on the level of educational achievement of children during the Corona period in ten primary schools in the Emirate of Dubai. To achieve the objectives of the study the researchers adopted the descriptive analytical approach. The quantitative method of data collection had been applied using the electronic questionnaire tool consisted of four main axes for data collection and had been distributed to the study sample consisted of 190 students’ parents and administrators selected by using simple random techniques. The results of the study indicated that the participation of students in the educational process, and in the establishment of appropriate educational programs and applications for the transmission to distance learning have contributed to reducing the negative effects of the process of shifting from traditional education / face-to-face education classroom teaching to virtual classroom (ZOOM).The study recommended the need for strengthening distance education mechanisms, which contribute in developing the student's interests, tendencies, attitudes, concentrating on the study material, and using of safe and secured electronic devices to increase the search for additional information to reach the correct knowledge. Also, the school administration should have good e-learning plan ahead with required financial credits that will help in overcoming the crisis and mange distance learning processes to reach future objectives successfully.
The processes of democratization, observed in recent years in the traditionally conservative Arab world, actualize the need for social workers, so the aim of the study was to study the features of teaching social work in Arab communities. Twelve universities with undergraduate programs in social work were randomly selected to compare these universities' curricula and social work programs and Ajman University. One conclusion is that social work programs in Arab communities should rely on traditional values of Islamic culture and legal literacy to achieve professionally necessary competence. Improvement of curricula and social work programs following international standards of the profession and taking into account the ethnocultural and religious characteristics of the Arab world will provide the Arab communities with highly qualified social workers who can competently provide support to the needy population categories.
The objective of inclusive education is to increase the quality of social and psychological integration in society of students with disabilities in the learning process. This study aimed to identify the social and psychological effects of inclusive education of students with hearing disabilities at Sharjah University’s Disability Resource Centre. The study adopted a descriptive analytical approach with a purposive sample comprising 24 students with hearing impairment. An electronic questionnaire comprising 25 psychological and social statements and nine open-ended questions was administered to collect quantitative and qualitative data. The results revealed positive correlation coefficients between inclusive education and both psychological adjustment and social interaction and negative relationships between gender and age and both social interaction and psychological adaptation variables (for age ρ = 0.091 and ρ = 0.262 and for gender ρ = 0.47 and ρ = 0.076, respectively). A statistically significant difference of less than 0.05 was found in favour of those who agreed that inclusion affects psychological adaptation. A statistically significant difference of less than 0.05 was found in favour of students who agreed that inclusion affects social interaction. The research results can be used in the practice of inclusive education to determine ways to improve the social and psychological adaptation of students with hearing impairments.
The study aims to form and test a knowledge management model for universities, which made it possible to identify the most influential factors and their relationship with knowledge management processes. The sample of the study (N= 100) included members of the administrations of the United Arab Emirates universities, senior students (graduate students) and teachers. The data were collected based on a Google Forms questionnaire (65 questions). The model includes 6 main factors: leadership, organizational culture, organizational structure, human resources, information technology, measurement and control. It is assumed that the favourable influence of these factors will contribute to the effective implementation of the knowledge management process. Statistical analysis of the collected data was performed in SPSS and EViews. The model was verified with the help of the root-mean-square error of approximation. The factors" organizational culture"," human resources"," organizational structure", as the processes of creation, storage and use of information demonstrate the highest degree of compliance (value is 0.5 and below). Internal consistency was checked by calculating Cronbach's alpha (total Cronbach alpha is 0.97). To assess the existing relationships between the processes and factors of knowledge management, an analysis of Spearman's ρ correlation was performed (confidence level is 99%). The findings of the study show that the factor" organizational culture" has the greatest impact on the process of creating knowledge, and the factor of the organizational structure considerably affects knowledge management.
The profession of a social worker is one of the most important professions for the functioning of a household and society as a whole. A key feature of this type of activity is that an employer does not have economic benefits associated with the tasks that a social worker performs. The study aims to determine the components of job satisfaction of public social workers and to conduct a quantitative analysis of the dependence of these components on factors of the external (professional) environment. The research methodology is focused on considering the object as a system. To achieve a goal, other studies were analyzed with the allocation of categorical data of satisfaction components and external (professional) environment factors. Using the statistical method, categorical data are presented in the form of frequencies to conduct a quantitative analysis of the dependence of satisfaction components on external (professional) environment factors, using the correlation coefficient. The study focused on two categories - job satisfaction and the external (professional) environment. The most significant components of job satisfaction are interpersonal relationships and commitment to an organization; the most significant factors of the external (professional) environment are the interaction of social workers with different population groups and compliance with the law and regulations. On the other hand, the least significant components of job satisfaction are social connections and wages, and the least significant factors of the external environment are professional burnout and personal life. A positive relationship was established between the components of job satisfaction and factors of the external (professional) environment. This indicates that job satisfaction components have an inverse relationship with external environment factors such as rules and norms. The research results are applicable in the field of public policy development, as well as for managers of public institutions, in particular, human resource management. Keywords: public sector, emotional work, personnel, productivity, work environment
The book, with its four chapters, addresses three important processes in the development sphere: namely mobilization, leadership, and empowerment. The book explores the relation and the link of the three processes, explaining their action implementation at the community level. The book advocates the use a human inclusion approach to development. Relevant literature are critically reviewed from published International and national books, articles and reports. Chapter 1 of the book introduces some related concepts that usually assist of the explanation of three processes. Chapter 2 gives an understanding of the community mobilization process: its methods of action planning and implementation. Chapter 3 explains the different perspectives of community leadership. Community empowerment as a new concept emerged recently in development is cortically explained, its understanding related to different community groups. The book is recommended for development and community-work students, researchers, and workers who are using bottom-up and human-development approaches of development.
The purpose of this study is to identify factors that influence knowledge management and evaluate its effectiveness in non-governmental organizations in the context of an integrative-oriented approach. The assessment framework for knowledge management effectiveness offered in this study permits the evaluation of decision-making alternatives and their impact on the effectiveness of knowledge management. The analysis of knowledge management effectiveness was performed using a coefficient-based assessment method on practices such as knowledge creation, knowledge acquisition, and knowledge attraction. The assessment framework incorporates both rational and asymmetry-driven styles in the decision-making practice. The study involved six nongovernmental organizations of various specializations from across the globe. The majority of non-governmental organizations showed an upward trend in the knowledge management effectiveness over the past five years. The knowledge creation asymmetry was established. The analysis of knowledge management alternative revealed that five out of six non-governmental organizations should continue those process that were effective at the time of the study and only one organization needs to move to a practice that was less effective during the research period. The major finding is that actions aimed at enhancing the least effective practice will fail to be as effective as the asymmetry-driven decision, even if they ensure a double increment.