Dr. Mohd Elmagzoub Ahmed Babiker Eltahir is an Educational Technology Specialist with over 15 years of experience in teaching, training, planning, and developing courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. He is dedicated to enhancing the teaching and learning environment through the use of instructional technology, social media, and AI applications. Dr. Eltahir earned his PhD from the University of Khartoum, Sudan, in 2007.
The main purpose of this analysis was to explore the acceptance of online assessment on the part of students of Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT) in Jordan during the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers used a descriptive approach. A questionnaire with 22 items was distributed to a sample of 862 students from a total population of 3446 students of PSUT. SPSS was used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that undergraduate students demonstrated a high degree of acceptance of the implementation of online assessment during the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the findings also revealed that the degree of acceptance of online assessment varied according to the college variable (in favor of the School of Computing Sciences), and according to computer skills (in favor of students with Moderate computer skills). Finally, there was no statistical significance according to gender variable. The study recommends further studies into the implementation of an online assessments system in higher education institutions.
One of the challenges facing instructors in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries with regard to the training of female student teachers in pre-service teacher education programs using video recording in micro-teaching activities is the cultural attitude. Female students find it difficult to be video recorded for teaching purpose because of their religious beliefs and other restrictions like cultural restriction and tradition. This study aims to investigate the effect of video recording in preparing female student teachers in the practical teaching course at the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in pre-service teacher education programs particularly in Ajman University, UAE using a quasi-experimental approach. The sample was 41 female students, who were randomly assigned to two groups, one of which used the video recording tool in their micro-teaching practical course (experimental group A, n= 21) and the other with non-video recording tool (control group B, n= 20). The list of observations and the questionnaire were used as study tools. Data analyses showed that the experimental group using the video recording tool was more effective in mastering the specified teaching skills and more motivational than trainee students in the control group which not used-video recording activities. The results suggest that within practical courses, video recording tool can be used as an effective and stimulating learning tool regardless of the conservative attitude of female students towards its use.
The key goal of the paper is to study the influence of blended learning on the academic performance of students of a statistics Bluman course at the University of Ajman. The study designe was quasi-experimental. The study sampled 268 students divided into two an experimental group (n = 135) that used blended learning; and a control group (n = 133) taught by the traditional method. The researchers prepared the achievement test as a tool of study after verifying its validity and reliability. The findings indicated significant statistical differences among the mean scores on the students' post-test in the two study groups. This is in favor of experimental group, educated using blended learning. Furthermore, in the results, the scores of the experimental group students were diverse based on the variable of gender (in favor of females), and according to the students' academic year (supporting those students in the fourth academic year). However, there were no statistically significant differences among the students according to the variable of the college in which they studied. The study recommends that mixed learning is to be employed more broadly to include various educational fields.
The theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) states that human intelligence is composed of different types of intelligences and that each individual possesses all of them but to a different degree. The main objective of this research was to examine how the Theory of Multiple Intelligences was addressed in a seventh-grade Arabic-language textbook at the intermediate-level in Jordan and determine Arabic-language teachers' level of knowledge of applying the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in textbooks. The study used the survey method and analytical descriptive approach via content analysis and coding MI indicators in the textbook to examine the representation of MI in the textbook examined. The sample was composed of all units of a seventh-grade Arabic-language textbook. A questionnaire was distributed to 130 Arabic-language teachers. The study includes eight of the Intelligences from Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences (MI) Theory. The analysis found that the intelligences represented in the texts, activities, and exercises of the Arabic-language textbook were mostly Verbal/Linguistic, Visual/Spatial and Interpersonal intelligences, with a combined percentage of 73%. The other 27% was shared between the other intelligence types: Intrapersonal, Naturalist, Logical/Mathematical, Bodily/Kinesthetic, and Musical intelligences. A moderated awareness on how to incorporate the theory of MI in Arabic-language textbooks was found among Arabic-language teachers, which means that teachers' understanding of the importance of including MI theory in the textbook needs reinforcement and improvement. The study suggests that further research on incorporating the Theory of MI in textbooks is needed.
This study aims to investigate the awareness level among school teachers of their students’ cybersecurity. The teachers’ perception of their students’ cybersecurity awareness was examined based on a case study of the emirate of Ajman private schools in UAE. A survey was conducted of a sample of school teachers at 29 private schools in Ajman. Stratified random sample for schools in the Emirate of Ajman have been used and then a systematic random sample of 172 teachers in the schools were chosen as the target population representation. Results of the study indicate that the level of awareness of school teachers towards their students’ protection and safety in 13 variables that had been studied is increased and this awareness has decreased in eight other variables, the study also reveals that there is a statistically significant relationship between the variable of specialization, and teachers’ awareness towards their students’ cybersecurity driven mainly by the significant differences between the average responses of mathematics teachers and the Arabic language in favor of mathematics teachers, and the difference between the average responses of social science teachers and the Arabic language in favor of social science teachers, and the difference between the average responses of social science teachers and the English language in favor of social science teachers.