Marei Ahmed
  • Marei Ahmed

  • Professor
  • Ext: --

Dr. Marei Ahmed is a distinguished professor at Helwan University, with an extensive academic and research background in psychology and physical education. He earned his Ph.D. in Psychology from Rennes 2 University, France, in 2011, and his Ph.D. in Sciences and Technics in Physical Education and Sport (STAPS) from the same institution in 2005. His research interests include positive psychology, psychometrics, exercise and sport psychology, STAPS, and health psychology. Dr. Ahmed has published over 115 papers, conference presentations, books, and book chapters globally. He served as a Board Director for the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA) from 2015-2019 and has been an editorial board member, reviewer, and scientific committee member for several international and European conferences and journals. Additionally, he was recognized as a researcher in talents and competences (Competences et Talents) in France in 2010. He is also qualified as an Assistant Professor in Psychology, Education Sciences, and STAPS from CNRS (France).

  • Ph.D., Psychology, Rennes 2 University, France, 2011.
  • Ph.D., Sciences and Technics in Physical Education and Sport (STAPS), Rennes 2 University, France, 2005.
  • Professor, Researcher, and Teacher-Researcher at various universities in France, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt.
  • Professor, Helwan University, 2018-Present.
  • Associate Member, Laboratoire Cognitions Humaine et Artificielle (Chart-UPON, EA 4004), Université Paris Nanterre, France, 2017-2022.
  • Researcher/Associate Researcher, LAUREPS-CRPCC-Rennes 2 University, France, 2007-2016.
  • Board of Directors, International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA), 2015-2019.
  • Editorial Board Member, Reviewer, and Scientific Committee Member for international and European conferences and journals (e.g., JPS, ECPP 2016, etc.), 2011-Present.
  • Talents and Competencies Researcher (Compétences et Talents), France, 2010.
Teaching Area
  • Positive Psychology, Psychometry, Psychology and Excercise and Sport psychology
  • Psychology, Psychometric, Positive psychology, Sport psychology.
  • Psychometrics and tests, psychological test validation in French and Arabic, positive psychology.
  • Salama-Younes, M., & Hashim, M. (2018). Passion, vitality, and life satisfaction in physically active older adults. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 13(3), 309–319.
  • Psychometric properties of the Psychological Flourishing Scale in an Egyptian setting.
  • Need for cognition, need for closure, need to evaluate: Proposal of scales in French and a socio-normative approach to fundamental needs | Besoin de cognition, besoin de clôture, besoin d’évaluer : proposition d’échelles en langue française et approche socio-normative des besoins dits fondamentaux
  • Factor structure and internal consistency of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Subjective Vitality Scale (VS), and the relationship between them: A study from France.
  • Qualités psychométriques du questionnaire d'évaluation du mode explicatif des enfants.
  • Published over 115 papers, presented at international conferences, and contributed to books and chapters worldwide.
  • Positive Psychology, Psychometrics, Exercise and Sport Psychology, STAPS, and Health Psychology.
Conference Presentation
  • Salama-Younes, M., et al. (2018). Factor structure and reliability of the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) reduced set in Asian Arab countries. 9th European Conference on Positive Psychology, June 27-30, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Salama-Younes, M., et al. (2018). Character of strengths in African Arab countries: Factor structure of the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) reduced set. 9th European Conference on Positive Psychology, June 27-30, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Jassem, R. S., & Salama-Younes, M. (2018). Humor and its relationships with vitality and flourishing among Iraqi college students. 9th European Conference on Positive Psychology, June 27-30, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Jassem, R. S., & Salama-Younes, M. (2018). Humor and its relationships with vitality and flourishing among Iraqi college students. 9th European Conference on Positive Psychology, June 27-30, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2017). Psychometric properties of the Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6) and its relationship to flourishing among Egyptian athletes. European Conference on Psychological Assessment, July 5-8, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Salama-Younes, M., & Massoud, W. (2017). Could resilience be a moderator in the relationships between mindfulness and well-being for Egyptian athletes: Psychometric and exploratory study? European Conference on Psychological Assessment, July 5-8, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2017). Refinement and factorial invariance of the Psychological Well-being Scale with Egyptian male samples. ACAPS, October 28-30, Dijon, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2016). Rasch analysis and relationship among subjective vitality and life satisfaction scales, Mental Health Continuum Short Form, and General Health Questionnaire-12 for physically active seniors. The Fifth World Congress on Positive Psychology, July 13-17, Montreal, Canada.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2016). Preliminary validation of the Psychological Flourishing Scale and its impact on GPA for Egyptian physical education students. 8th European Conference on Positive Psychology, June 28 to July 1, Angers, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2016). Refinement of the RPWBS and its impact on Health Perception for Masters Athletes, 8th European Conference on Positive Psychology 2016 Angers, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M., & AbdelAtty, S. (2016). Vitality as a mediator between harmonious and obsessive passion and life satisfaction: A study with Saudi women. 8th European Conference on Positive Psychology, June 28 to July 1, Angers, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M., & AbdelAtty, S. (2016). Passion, couple relationship conflict, and flourishing for Saudi females: Path analysis. 8th European Conference on Positive Psychology, June 28 to July 1, Angers, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M., & Massoud, W. (2016). Rasch analysis and confirmatory factor analysis for the flourishing model with French adults. 8th European Conference on Positive Psychology, June 28 to July 1, Angers, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M., & AbdelAtty, S. (2016). Psychometric analysis and refinement of the Arabic version of the Moral Competency Inventory: Validation of a 10-item measure for Saudi women. 8th European Conference on Positive Psychology, June 28 to July 1, Angers, France.
  • El Zahrany, & Salama-Younes, M. (2016). Psychometric properties of the Psychological Flourishing Scale with university male students: Exploratory study from KSA. 8th European Conference on Positive Psychology, June 28 to July 1, Angers, France.
  • Al Oufy, F., & Salama-Younes, M. (2016). Psychometric analysis and refinement of the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) with educational leaders in KSA: Exploratory study. 8th European Conference on Positive Psychology, June 28 to July 1, Angers, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M., & Hashim, M. (2015). Path analysis for passion, vitality, and life satisfaction for physically active older adults. The Fourth World Congress on Positive Psychology, March 25-28, Orlando, Florida.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2015). Well-being and quality of life for Egyptian older adults practicing recreational activities regularly. The 1st International Congress of I3SAW, "Sport in the Arab World in the 21st Century: Global Perspectives and Local Challenges," March 2-5, Oran, Algeria.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2014). Santé perçue et vitalité perçue sont-elles des médiatrices entre la santé mentale positive et la satisfaction de vie ? ICPA, Paris, July 8-13, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Ismail, A. & Marivan, T. (2013). Vie florissante chez les seniors pratiquants des activités physiques régulières, Congrès Francophone de Psychologie Positive, Novembre 21-22, Reims, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2013). Positive psychology, physical, musical and arts educations, The 3rd World Congress on Positive Psychology, June 26-29, Los Anglos, USA.
  • Salama-Younes, M., (2013). Factor Structure and correlation of MHC-SF and SWLS: Study from two cultures, The 3rd World Congress on Positive Psychology, June 26-29, Los Anglos, USA.
  • Salama-Younes, M., & Amin Ramadan, M. (2013). Passion and flourishing for Egyptian older adults: Psychometric and correlational study. The 3rd World Congress on Positive Psychology, June 26-29, Los Angeles, USA.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2013). On the relation between quality of life and subjective vitality for French seniors: The moderating role of life satisfaction. The 3rd World Congress on Positive Psychology, June 26-29, Los Angeles, USA.
  • Salama-Younes, M., & Ali, M. E. (2013). Sport activities, well-being, life satisfaction, and subjective vitality for Saudi youth. The 3rd World Congress on Positive Psychology, June 26-29, Los Angeles, USA.
  • Salama-Younes, M., (2013). Effect of the ABCDE Model on the pessimistic explanatory style for French Children, the 7th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, July 22 - 25, Lima, Peru.
  • Salama-Younes, M., (2013). Effect of the ABCDE Model on the languishing physically active people, the 7th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, July 22 - 25, Lima, Peru.
  • Salama-Younes, M., & Massoud, W. (2013). A Rasch analysis for some positive psychological scales. European Conference on Psychological Assessment, July 17-20, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain.
  • Massoud, W., & Salama-Younes, M. (2013). Item response theory (IRT) for need for cognition and need to evaluate scales with French students. European Conference on Psychological Assessment, July 17-20, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2011). Toward a positive psychology for sports and physically active people. WCPP, July 23-26, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Salama-Younes, M., (2011). Happiness, Subjective Vitality and Satisfaction With Life for Arabic Athletes, WCPP, July 23-26, Philadelphie, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Salama-Younes, M., (2011). Emotional, Social, Psychological and Physical Wellbeing for French Old Runners, WCPP, July 23-26, Philadelphie, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Salama-Younes, M., & Abdel-hafiz, M. M. (2011). Factor sturcture and correlation of MHC-SF and SWLS: Study from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, WCPP, July 23-26, Philadelphie, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Ali, M. E., & Salama-Younes, M. (2011). Positive mental health, subjective vitality, and satisfaction with life for Saudi physical education students. WCPP, July 23-26, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Gouingouin, G. & Somat, A. (2010). Validation française d’une version courte d’échelles de mesure évaluant les besoins fondamentaux (de la cognition, clôture et d’évaluer). 8ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale de Langue Française de l'ADRIPS, 25-28 Août , Nice, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Ismail, A. & Marivain, T. (2010). Bien-être psychologique, social et émotionnel chez les seniors français pratiquant des activités physiques, 8ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française de l'ADRIPS, 25-28 Aôut, Nice, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2010). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) and Subjective Vitality Scale (SVS) among physical education students in Egypt, France, and Saudi Arabia. 5th European Conference on Positive Psychology, June 23-26, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Ismail, A., & Roncin, C. (2010). Flourishing, languishing, and moderate mental health for physically active adults: A study from France. 24th European Health Psychology Conference, September 1-4, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • Marivain, T., & Salama-Younes, M. (2009). Modéliser le changement dans les apprentissages scolaires au moyen des modèles en croissances latentes : Une présentation non technique. Les Journées Scientifiques de l’Université de Nantes, June 8-9, Nantes, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2009). Subjective well-being for Arabic athletes: A comparative study. 1st World Congress on Positive Psychology, June 18-21, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Ali, M. E., & Ismail, A. (2009). Learned optimism for children: An exploratory study in France. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Disability and Rehabilitation, March 22-26, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Ismail, A., Deflandre, A., & Roncin, M. (2009). Factorial structure of the well-being scales for French physically active adults. 12th International Congress of Sport Psychology, July 17-21, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Ali, M., Verger, I., & Roncin, C. (2009). Development and factorial structure of subjective well-being scales for athletes from Arabic countries. 12th International Congress of Sport Psychology, July 17-21, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Ismail, A., Verger, I., & Roncin, C. (2008). Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scale, French adaptation: Further evidence of construct validity. 4th European Conference on Positive Psychology, July 1-4, Opatija, Croatia.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2008). Construct validity of a French version of the Mental Health Continuum (MHC-SR) for elderly people. 4th European Conference on Positive Psychology, July 1-4, Opatija, Croatia.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2008). Development of a short French measure of psycho-social well-being for older adults. 4th European Conference on Positive Psychology, July 1-4, Opatija, Croatia.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Ali, M., & Gebrel, M. (2008). Preliminary validation of the Mental Health Continuum Short Form for Egyptian adolescent athletes. 4th European Conference on Positive Psychology, July 1-4, Opatija, Croatia.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2007). Is optimistic vs pessimistic too simplistic with sports children? The 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology, September 4-9, Halkidiki, Greece.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Martin-Krumm, M., Hanrahan, S., & Roncin, C. (2007). Specific or general explanatory style predicts performance: An exploratory study in sport and school contexts, 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology, September 4-9, Halkidiki, Greece.
  • Boukraa, A., Salama-Younes, M., & Roncin, C. (2007). The impact of the values-expectancy model on the prediction of physical education performance for new immigrant students, 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology, September 4-9, Halkidiki, Greece.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Ismail, A. & Roncin, C. (2007). Etude des effets des modes explicatifs sur la performance sportive chez des préadolescents, IV° Congrès International de Psychologie de la Santé, 22-24 Juin, Toulouse, France.
  • Boukraa, A., Salama-Younes, M., & Roncin, C. (2007). The impact of the values-expectancy model on the prediction of physical education performance for new immigrant students, 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology, September 4-9, Halkidiki, Greece.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Ismail, A. & Roncin, C. (2007). Etude des effets des modes explicatifs sur la performance sportive chez des préadolescents, IV° Congrès International de Psychologie de la Santé, 22-24 Juin, Toulouse, France.
  • El Ali, M., & Salama-Younes, M. (2006). Effet du sexe sur le choix de stratégies de coping face à la douleur aiguë des marathoniens de haut niveau, Journées Internationales des Sciences du Sport, November 28-30, Paris, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2006). Prediction of Performance: Sport versus General Explanatory Styles, South Africa Conference of Positive Psychology, April 4-6, Potchefstroom, South Africa.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2006). Specific or general explanatory style: Toward a better prediction of performance, Third European Conference of Positive Psychology, July 3-6, Braga, Portugal.
  • Salama-Younes, M. (2006). Specific explanatory style as a mediator variable to predict performance results, Third European Conference of Positive Psychology, July 3-6, Braga, Portugal.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Ismail, A.. & Roncin, C. (2005). Styles explicatifs chez des préadolescents, VII ème Congrès International de Psychologie du Sport, 1er-4 Juillet, Reims, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Roncin, C., Le Foll, D., Martin-Krumm, C., Ismail, A. (2005). Similarités et différences de deux versions évaluant les styles explicatifs chez des enfants et préadolescents : le CASQ et le CASQ-R. III ème Congrès International de Psychologie et Santé, 22-24 juin, Marseille, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Ali, M. Salama, M.. & Roncin, C. (2005). Compétence perçue, mode explicatif, attentes de réussite prédisent-ils les performances sportives et scolaires chez des enfants, III ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale Appliquée, 20-22 Octobre, Rennes, France.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Martin-Krumm, C., & Roncin, C. (2004). Psychometric properties of an experimental version of the "CASQ": The scale for measuring the explanatory mode in children aged 8 to 12. Second European Conference on Positive Psychology, July 4-7, Verbania-Pallanza, Italy.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Martin-Krumm, C., & Roncin, C. (2004). Factorial validation and development of an experimental version of the scale for measuring the explanatory mode in children aged 8 to 12. Second European Positive Psychology Conference, July 4-7, Verbania-Pallanza, Italy.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Martin-Krumm, M. & Roncin, C. (2004). Mode explicatif optimiste, neutre et pessimiste chez les enfants : Validation transculturelle et épure d’une version française du « Children’s Attributional Style Questionnaire », V ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale de Langue Française, 1er-4 Septembre, Lausanne, Suisse.
  • Salama-Younes, M., Martin-Krumm, M. & Roncin, C. (2003). Propriétés psychométriques de la version expérimentale de l’Echelle de Mesure du Mode Explicatif « CASQ-R » pour enfants âgés de 9 à 12 ans, Xème Congrès de l’ACAPS, 30-31 octobre, Toulouse, France.
Memberships, Awards and Honors
  • Associate member at Paris Nanterre and Rennes 2 Universities from 2007 to 2022.