Ajman University Professors Named among Top 2% Scientists in the World

Thursday, Oct 26, 2023
Ajman University Professors Named among Top 2% Scientists in the World

Ajman University has achieved an additional remarkable milestone with 11 of its faculty members being included in Stanford University's list of the top 2% of global scientists for the year 2023. This list encompasses a select group of researchers who have highly cited scientific publications and whose research has contributed to a clear impact on a global scale. This accomplishment reflects the high quality of the university's scientific research output.

A diverse set of criteria was utilized to assess the impact of researchers over the course of their careers and in a single year. These criteria include global scientific publications, the H-index, the impact factor, total citations (including self-citations), co-authorship-adjusted hm-index, etc. Stanford University relied on the Scopus database, which is affiliated with the global publisher Elsevier, to extract these indicators. Researchers were classified into 22 scientific fields and 174 subfields.

Among these scientists, 4 faculty members were selected for their long-term performance and career-long research impact:

  • Khaled Assaleh, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs & Electrical Engineering Professor
  • Shaher Momani, former Dean, College of Humanities and Sciences
  • Mohammed Al Betar, Head of the Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIRC)
  • Mohammed Deriche, College of Engineering & IT

The AU faculty members who were included amongst the top 2% scientists for single year research impact:

  • Shaher Momani, former Dean, College of Humanities and Sciences
  • Mohammed Al Betar, Head of the Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIRC)
  • Ahmed Bilal Awan, College of Engineering & IT
  • Amine Bahi, College of Medicine
  • Mohammed Deriche, College of Engineering & IT
  • Mohammad Anas Shamsi, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
  • Raja Wasim Ahmad, College of Engineering & IT
  • Muaed Jamal Al Omar, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
  • Moawia Al-Tabakha, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
  • Atta Ur Rehman Khan, College of Engineering & IT

Commenting on the achievement, Prof. Kamran Arshad, Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, said, “The recognition of AU faculty members in the world’s top 2% scientists has placed Ajman University on the global map of science, technology and innovation and has brought great pride to the University and the UAE. I would like to congratulate all AU researchers for their hard-work, dedication, and commitment to furthering science. This is a truly outstanding achievement for our University, and I hope this number will further grow in the future.”

Ajman University aims to enhance research progress and foster collaboration with international academic institutions and reputable research centres in leading global organizations. This is evident and affirmed through the recent achievements of the university, which mark a significant advancement in research outputs and publications in crucial fields. Additionally, Ajman University is committed to providing a stimulating environment that empowers researchers to achieve the highest levels of creativity and excellence.