Counseling Unit Events Newsletter Spring 2021-22

Wednesday, Apr 20, 2022
Counseling Unit Events Newsletter Spring 2021-22

Adjusting to the University Life 

On January 3, the Counseling Unit organized a workshop, presented by Dr. Amel Beichi, Assistant Professor in the College of Humanities and Sciences. This workshop covered a variety of topics, including understanding the university experience, adapting to university life, exploring the characteristics of university life, and addressing the common challenges faced by university students.

Personal Values at New University Life 

On January 3, the Counseling Unit conducted a workshop that explored essential aspects of university life. The workshop covered the first-day experience, authentic university insights, 14 typical challenges faced by university students, personal values development, the influence of personal values on learning approaches, student achievements, the disparities between high-achievers and low-achievers, and the significance of spiritual and moral development.

Dr. Zehra Edis, Assistant Professor in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, presented the workshop, actively engaging students through various visual thinking exercises and interactions.

Study Smarter, Not Longer: Study Skills Working for You 

On January 4, the Counseling Unit hosted a group meeting that brought together existing students and new students from Ajman University. This session was moderated by Ms. Doaa Al Salti, Administrative Assistant of the Counseling Unit. The existing students extended a warm welcome to the newcomers, sharing their own university experiences. They offered valuable insights on studying efficiently, time management, and how to establish a fulfilling social life within the university.

Furthermore, they shed light on the realities of university studies, emphasizing the importance of focus, the process of self-reward, and strategies to steer clear of distractions. The presenters encouraged an open discussion with the audience, which took place through Zoom chat, and addressed all questions and concerns.

Be My Friend... and Avoid Bullying 

On January 19, the Counseling Unit hosted a workshop featuring Dr. Maha Aboraya, Assistant Professor in the College of Humanities and Sciences. This workshop provided an in-depth exploration of bullying, including its definition, various types, real-world examples, characteristics of bullies, strategies for dealing with both bullies and victims, methods to support victims, the repercussions of bullying, and how to interact with individuals engaged in bullying behaviors.

Message to the Bully: Be My Friend 

On January 24, the Counseling Unit arranged a group meeting involving three Ajman University students and the existing students. This session was moderated by Ms. Doaa Al Salti, Administrative Assistant of the Counseling Unit. The students explored the definition of bullying and shared their personal experiences and how they successfully navigated such challenges.

They also delved into the detrimental impact of bullying on people's lives, discussing its consequences, the characteristic traits of bullies, various forms of bullying, underlying causes, strategies to overcome bullying, and ways to assist both parties involved—the victim and the bully—in breaking free from this negative behavior. The presenters encouraged an open discussion and addressed all questions from the attendees.

Intellectual Security Between Theory and Practice 

On February 22, the Counseling Unit hosted a workshop featuring Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Azmi, Associate Professor of Psychological Counseling at Naif Arab University for Security Sciences. The workshop was moderated by Dr. Walaa Elsayed, Assistant Professor in the College of Humanities and Sciences.

The workshop covered a range of topics, including the difference between a healthy mind and a complex one, the influence of genetics on personality traits, the components of personality, and a psychological interpretation of security thinking. It also explored the concept of the theory of East and West and their seemingly irreconcilable differences.

Fear of Statistics Course: Why Worry?

On February 23, the Counseling Unit, in collaboration with the Social Statistics Club at Ajman University, hosted a workshop on the subject of fear. The workshop delved into the meaning of fear, the reasons behind our fears, how fear relates to statistics, the motives underlying the fear of statistics, and effective strategies for overcoming this apprehension. The workshop was designed to actively engage students, incorporating various visual thinking exercises to facilitate learning.

Dr. Alaa Alsharif, Assistant Professor in the College of Humanities and Sciences, presented the workshop, while Dr. Amel Beichi, Assistant Professor in the same college, moderated the event. The presenters encouraged an open discussion with the audience, which took place after the presentation, and addressed all questions and concerns raised by the attendees.

Family Happiness Steps 

On February 28, the Counseling Unit hosted a workshop featuring Dr. Enaam Youssef, Assistant Professor in the College of Humanities and Sciences. This workshop covered a broad range of topics related to happiness, including the concept of happiness, the secrets to attaining it, identifying the factors that may hinder happiness, and exploring elements that contribute to marital and family harmony. The session also offered general tips on enhancing well-being.

Overcoming Anxiety in Delivering a Public Speech 

On March 14, the Counseling Unit conducted a workshop that emphasized the significance of presentation skills. The workshop addressed reasons for the fear of giving presentations and offered strategies to overcome anxiety during public speaking. It also explored various communication methods, delved into the mechanics of sound, and provided insights on achieving excellence in speech.

Dr. Amal Badr, Assistant Professor in the College of Mass Communication, led the workshop, encouraging students to participate throughout the session.

 Making Your Communication Memorable On March 14, the Counseling Unit in collaboration with the Student Housing Office organized a workshop about the principles of effective presentation delivery. The workshop covered topics such as maintaining good presentation hygiene, structuring presentations for clarity, strategies for content retention, and techniques to help the audience remember key points. Dr. Dalia Bedewy, Manager of the Counseling Unit, presented the workshop, encouraging the audience to participate and answered all their questions and inquiries.

Mother’s Day Celebration 

On March 21, the Counseling Unit extended a heartfelt invitation to Ajman University’s community, gathering to honor and celebrate mothers. Ms. Doaa Al Salti, Administrative Assistant within the Counseling Unit, moderated the event, fostering a sense of togetherness among AU students and their mothers on this special day. The occasion was filled with vibrant enthusiasm as students and their mothers who participated in a variety of competitions and received wonderful gifts.

Creative Initiatives to Be More Positive 

On March 23, the Counseling Unit organized a group meeting that brought together three Ajman University students and the entire existing student body. This session was moderated by Ms. Sahar Zahran, Lecturer in the College of Humanities and Sciences.

During the meeting, the students presented their remarkable initiatives, including a focus on excellence in volunteer work and its psychological impact, the return to in-person education, and the unique experiences and challenges associated with wearing masks on campus. This platform allowed for a collaborative exchange of ideas and experiences among the student community.

Habits of Successful People On April 14, the Counseling Unit organized a workshop presented by Prof. Asma Alarab, Professor in the College of Humanities and Sciences. This insightful workshop encompassed a variety of topics, including the concept of success, the debate on whether success is an inherent talent or a learned habit, methods for leading a successful life, an exploration of the seven habits of highly productive individuals, and an examination of the five daily habits commonly found among successful people. The workshop saw significant attendance from students, who actively engaged and interacted throughout the session.and interacted in the workshop.

COVID-19: What You Need to Know NOW 

On April 21, the Counseling Unit hosted an informative workshop focused on the coronavirus, encompassing discussions about its structure, clinical and epidemiological features, common and less common symptoms, modes of transmission, the significance of public health interventions, comparisons between the disease and vaccination, potential side effects, and solutions for the present and future. Dr. Samir Bloukh, Associate Professor in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, presented the workshop, which was moderated by Dr. Zehra Edis, Associate Professor in the same college.

Healthy Relationships in Tight Quarters: Living with Family as a Young Adult

On April 28, the Counseling Unit conducted a workshop featuring Dr. Zehra Edis, Associate Professor in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. The workshop was moderated by Ms. Ahood Al Rawashdeh, Lecturer in the College of Humanities and Sciences.

This workshop explored topics such as living in close quarters, common concerns that parents often have about their children, effective communication strategies for talking to your parents, methods for dealing with parents who may be less attentive or understanding, and the dynamics of nurturing healthy family relationships.