The College Conducts a Preceptor Orientation Program for the onsite preceptors

Thursday, Aug 31, 2023
The College Conducts a Preceptor Orientation Program for the onsite preceptors

On the 31st of August 2023, the College organized a "Preceptor Orientation Program" for the onsite preceptors (practicing hospital and community pharmacists) involved in the Fall 2023 semester’s training. The program's goal was to orient the onsite preceptors on the experiential learning courses to be offered during the current semester and obtain their feedback in improving the training delivery and maximizing the student learning experience. Dr. Muaed Alomar, the Head of the Clinical Sciences Department, welcomed the participants and gave a briefing on the role and responsibilities of the onsite preceptors. He further added the importance of the onsite preceptors in building confidence among the budding pharmacists. Dr. Subish Palaian, the coordinator of the Office of Experiential Learning, emphasized the College's expectations from the onsite preceptors, course learning outcomes, and the various assessment tools that will be used during the training course. During the program, the onsite preceptors’ feedback was taken into consideration and the learning opportunities provided by the preceptors during training were discussed. Further, the training team members held talks with the individual preceptors on matters specific to training at their site. The program was interactive and gave an opportunity for both the College and the training sites a chance to work closely together to deliver high-quality training.