Sohaib Naseem Khan Khan
  • Sohaib Naseem Khan Khan

  • Research Technician
  • Ext: 6957

Sohaib Naseem Khan holds a Master's degree in Analytical Chemistry and has over 14 years of hands-on experience in the food, chemical, petroleum, and pharmaceutical industries. He is an expert in research and development (R&D), quality control, quality assurance, and the development and management of quality-based policies. Additionally, Sohaib has extensive experience in handling chemicals and conducting wet lab experiments in the manufacturing field, with a particular focus on utilizing modern analytical instruments in chemistry and pharmacy.

  • M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan, 2007
  • B.Sc. in Chemistry, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan, 2005
  • Research Technician, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Ajman University, 2019–Present.
  • Team Lead Petroleum Chemist, Intertek Testing Services UK Limited, Sharjah, UAE, 2013–2019.
  • Chemist, Four Brothers Chemicals Pvt. Limited, Pakistan – 2010–2012.
  • Chief Chemist, Sadiq Vegetable Oil and Ghee Mill Pvt. Limited, Pakistan, 2008–2010.
  • Nanotechnology (Green Nanoparticle Synthesis and Testing)
  • Nanotechnology for Photocatalysis (Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Synthesis and Testing)
  • Nanotechnology for Thin-Film-Based Sensors (Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Synthesis, Doping with Different Metals, and Testing)
  • Development of New Analytical Methods for Advanced Analytical Instruments
  • Stability Study of Pharmaceutical Drugs
  • Analytical Study of Pharmaceutical Drugs
  • Study of the Conversion of Polymer in Uncured and Cured Dental Fillings Due to the Application of UV Light
  • Drinking Water Analysis
Memberships, Awards and Honors
  • Best Research Supervision Award at the 4th AU Student Research Day, Ajman University, June 6, 2021.