Dr. Moyad Jamal Shahwan is a Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Head of the Center of Medical and Bio-Allied Health Sciences Research at the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Ajman University, where he has been a faculty member since September 2009. With extensive expertise in clinical biochemistry, drug discovery, and metabolic diseases, he has made significant contributions to understanding complex biochemical pathways related to neurodegenerative diseases, cancer biology, and cardiovascular health. His recent research focuses on drug repurposing and the molecular mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease, leading to new insights into potential therapeutic targets. Dr. Shahwan has collaborated with national and international research institutions, producing a robust portfolio of impactful publications in top-tier, peer-reviewed journals. As the Founder and Head of the Medical & Bio-Allied Health Sciences Research Center, he has fostered interdisciplinary collaboration, establishing the center as a hub for innovative research. Additionally, he served as Coordinator for the master’s program in Pharmacy at Ajman University from 2014 to 2022. Recognized for his academic achievements, Dr. Shahwan continues to mentor young researchers, shaping the next generation of scientists in medical and health sciences.
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