Ajman University hosts “Summer without Accidents” campaign in collaboration with Ajman Police

Wednesday, Sep 21, 2022
Ajman University hosts “Summer without Accidents” campaign in collaboration with Ajman Police

Ajman University’s (AU) Office of Environmental Health and Safety joined forces with Ajman Police to launch an awareness campaign on the importance of traffic safety for the first time at AU. Under the slogan “Accident Free Summer”, the campaign aims to improve road and traffic safety knowledge on and off campus and achieve the highest levels of adherence to traffic rules and standards for all road users.

Speakers from Ajman Police addressed AU bus drivers on matters of transport laws and regulations, in addition to safe driving practices. The briefing session highlighted the importance of taking all precautions related to the safety of the vehicle by checking their vehicles tires and ensuring their quality, especially during high summer temperatures, performing periodic maintenance, and taking the necessary measures in case of an emergency such as fire or collision accidents. Additionally, they need to ensure that all passengers, specifically students are seated properly with full adherence to safety precautions. 

The Office of Environmental Health and Safety considers the safety of AU students as a top priority and ensures to highlight the importance of a positive and professional driving behavior to ensure an accident free experience. The Accident Free Summer campaign serves as a platform to ensure the values of safety are implemented by all community members.

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