Sports Week at Hostel

Thursday, Mar 16, 2017
Sports Week at Hostel

The Office of Housing Department at Ajman University recently organized a week of sports activities for the hostel occupants. They kick started the week with an active Zumba session organized at the Sharjah Ladies Club. It gave the participants insightful knowledge about Zumba and its active role in keeping them physically fit and active; along with this, all the girls had a great time at the relaxed and rejuvenating ambiance at the Ladies Club. A seasoned coach of this exotic form of exercise and music conducted the Zumba session.

At the hostel, many sporting activities were organized throughout the week. They included Tug of War, Relay Race, The ball game, Ball and spoon, Arm wrestling, Human size Snakes and Ladder, Balloon game and Sack Race amongst others. The winners were awarded with various gifts to add joy to their success.

Engineer Leena Taifour, the University Hostel Manger stated, “Our main objective is to entertain the residents with such events which will also help increase the level of fitness and allow the students to bond with each other.”