Workshop on Moodle Version 2.0 at Ajman University with the Presence of Martin Dougiamas

Tuesday, Mar 24, 2009
Workshop on Moodle Version 2.0 at Ajman University with the Presence of Martin Dougiamas

"40% of AUST Colleges deliver their courses electronically"

Ajman University of Science and Technology (AUST) organized a workshop on Moodle that resulted in 338 attendees, of those present were its founder Martin Dougiamas, Eng. Khalid Salman, General Manager of Human Logic Company for electronic solutions, Dr. Ahmed Ankit, AUST Vice President and Chairman of Curricular and Study Plans Committee, Dr. Basheer Shehadeh, AUST Vice President and Chairman of Assessment Committee, Dr. Ahmad Dabbagh, the Director of Academic e-Services Department and AUSTs Deans, Head of Departments, faculty members, as well as students from both campuses, Ajman and Fujairah. Dr. Ankit pointed out in his welcoming address that the university has provided the necessary infrastructure, human resources, and interactive tools, such as smart boards, CCTVs, high-speed internet connection, and state-of-the-art equipment, to make the implementation of e-learning through Moodle a success. Presently, forty percent of the e-learning project has been implemented, with four colleges already using Moodle as a mode of delivery for all courses. These colleges, added Dr. Ankit, include Information Technology, Business Administration, Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and University Requirements and Academic Counseling. He also mentioned that by 2011 the University will be teaching all the courses electronically using Moodle, which will provide students and faculty members with a virtual cyber environment that will enable them to interact quicker and efficiently. As a result, this will contribute to the fulfillment of the goals set by Dr. Saeed Salman, the President of AUST, within the framework of the reform and development project. Dr. Ankit clarified that all AUST faculty members will soon be trained to obtain Moodle certificates and become e-teachers.

Dr. Basheer Shehadeh, speaking on behalf of the Assessment Committee, said that the succession in the implementation of the e-learning project will make the quality control process more effective.  He also reiterated that being part of the Moodle community is one of the main constituents of AUSTs strategic plan.

Martin Dougiamas, the founder of Moodle, presented the audience with Moodle 2.0, the latest version of Moodle, and mentioned that the practice of e-learning is quickly spreading all over universities and academic communities across the globe. In his presentation, Mr. Dougiamas delivered live demonstrations of Moodle for both students and instructors and emphasized on the main interactive features of the new version while noting that these features will cope with the present learning methods that are used by the University.

The attendees raised numerous questions regarding Moodle such as the easiest way to implement the new features of Moodle 2.0, the feasibility of e-learning and the practical courses which necessitate face to face contact with the instructor in the lab, clinic, or studio, and the possibility to apply it partially in any educational environment. Some students stated that the main feature that they find most attractive in Moodle is being able to have access to their courses and to interact with faculty members by sending questions or submitting assignments at anytime from any location.