Zaw Myo Hein
  • Zaw Myo Hein

  • Assistant Professor
  • Ext: 5343

Dr. Zaw Myo Hein is an Assistant Professor of Anatomy at the College of Medicine, Ajman University. He earned his MBBS from the University of Medicine-2, Yangon, Myanmar, and initially practiced as a physician in various hospitals. Dr. Hein also served as a faculty member in the Department of Anatomy at the University of Medicine-1, Yangon, Myanmar. He completed his PhD in Neuroscience at Mahidol University, Thailand, with a focus on neurotoxicity, neuroinflammation, cognitive function, and the neuroprotective potential of melatonin and aquaporins in the brain. His research has earned him several grants and accolades, including a prestigious PhD scholarship from the Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development. A proactive and dynamic scholar, Dr. Hein has collaborated with esteemed institutions such as the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, and the University of Oslo. He has presented his groundbreaking research at major international conferences, including the IBRO World Congress, the Society for Neuroscience Conference, and the American Association for Anatomy Conference.

  • MBBS, University of Medicine 2, Yangon, Myanmar, 2011.
  • Graduate Diploma in International Relations, University of Yangon, 2012.
  • Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Research Center for Neuroscience, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Mahidol University, Thailand, 2019.
  • House Officer, North Okkalapa General and Teaching Hospital, Yangon, Myanmar, January 2010 - December 2010.
  • Civil Assistant Surgeon, 200-Bedded Hospital, Nay Pyi Taw-Pyinmana, Myanmar, March 2013 - December 2014.
  • Demonstrator/Assistant Lecturer, Department of Anatomy, University of Medicine-1, Yangon, Myanmar, January 2015 - February 2021.
  • Guest Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience, Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway, April 2018 - December 2018.
  • Lecturer, College of Medicine, Ajman University, UAE, August 2021- September 2022.
  • Guest Researcher, Research Center for Neuroscience, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Mahidol University, Thailand, June 2022 - August 2022.
  • Assistant Professor, College of Medicine, Ajman University, UAE, September 2022 - Present.
  • Visiting Scientist, Department of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY, June 2023 - August 2023.
  • Visiting Scientist, Department of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY, June 2024 - August 2024.
Teaching Area
  • Basic Human Anatomy
  • Clinical Anatomy
  • Medical Terminology
  • Neurodegeneration and neuroprotection
  • Intraventricular Hemorrhage Model
  • Clinical Anatomy
  • Aquaporins
Conference Presentation
  • IBRO World Congress, Daegu, South Korea (September 21-25, 2019) Title: "The Potential Role of NG2-Expressing Cells in the Rat Brain Across Different Pathophysiological Conditions."
  • Neuroscience 2019 (Society for Neuroscience Conference), Chicago, USA (October 19-23, 2019) Title: "The Involvement of NG2-Expressing Cells in Methamphetamine-Induced Neurotoxicity and the Neuroprotective Role of Melatonin in the Rat Brain."
  • Second UAE Anatomy Conference, Dubai, UAE (June 10, 2023) Title: "Variations of the Extensor Indicis Proprius in the Myanmar Population: Implications for Hand Reconstructive Surgery" (Best Poster Presentation - Runner Up).
  • Anatomy Connected 2024 (American Association of Anatomy), Toronto, Canada (March 22-25, 2024) Title: "Variations in the Extensor Digitorum Communis Muscle Tendon in the Burmese Population: Implications for Hand Reconstructive Surgery."
Memberships, Awards and Honors
  • Member of the American Association for Anatomy.
  • Member of the International Society of Neurochemistry.
  • Member of the International Brain Research Organization.
  • Member of the Society for Neuroscience.
  • Member of the Federation of European Neuroscience Society.
  • Member of the Myanmar Medical Association.