Solomon Silas Senok
  • Solomon Silas Senok

  • Dean
  • Ext: 6397

Dr. Solomon Silas Senok holds a medical degree (MBBS) from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria's premier medical school, and a PhD in Physiology (Neuroscience) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, which is ranked 49th globally in the 2022 Times Higher Education World Rankings. With over two decades of experience, Dr. Senok has taught Physiology and Neuroscience at several universities across the Caribbean, the UK, the Middle East, and Nigeria. He has significant expertise in curriculum development, having contributed to the early stages of two new medical schools in the Middle East. Dr. Senok's research int

  • PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1995
  • Diploma in Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Tianjin College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, PR China, 1992
  • MBBS, University of Ibadan College of Medicine, Nigeria, 1987
  • Founding Dean, College of Medicine, Ajman University, Mar. 2018 – Present
  • Assistant Professor, Neuroscience, College of Medicine, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oct. 2010 – Oct. 2016
  • Assistant Professor, Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Sept. 2006 – Oct. 2010
  • Assistant Professor, Clinical Physiology, College of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Arabian Gulf University, Kingdom of Bahrain, Sept. 2002 – Aug. 2006
  • Research Fellow, Neurophysiology, Department of Psychology, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK, Jan. 2001 – Aug. 2002
  • Lecturer in Human Physiology – Clinical, Dept. of Preclinical Sciences, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago, July 1997 – Dec. 2000
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Departments of Physiology and Anatomy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Oct. 1995 – July 1997
Teaching Area
  • Neuroscience
  • Neurophysiology
  • Retinal Stimulation Using Multielectrode Arrays as Implantable Devices for the Restoration of Vision in Retinal Degeneration (Collaborative Work with Colleagues at Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea).
  • Human Physiological Studies on Alertness and the Effects of Various Interventions (e.g., Sleep Deprivation) on Alertness and Autonomic Modulation. Human biopotentials recorded and analyzed for this purpose include ECG and beat-to-beat blood pressure (for autonomic modulation), EEG and evoked potentials in combination with cognitive function testing for assessing levels of alertness. Additionally, blood flow to the prefrontal cortex is measured using a functional near-infrared imaging (fNIR) method as an indicator of prefrontal cortical function during the performance of cognitive tasks.
  • Mechanosensory Transduction in Cutaneous Receptors. I have maintained a longstanding interest in somatosensory transduction—the process by which environmental or endogenous stimuli are converted into transmissible action potentials by sensory neurons. Recently, our focus has been on the effect of glutamate receptor antagonists on somatosensory transduction. We have continued to use our robust isolated preparation to study sensory receptors in the vibrissal follicles. Our current research is shifting towards understanding how potassium channels modulate mechanosensory activity in touch receptors.
  • Pain Mechanisms and Acupuncture Antinociception. My research interest in pain mechanisms and unconventional interventions is partially influenced by my background and training in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Conference Presentation
  • Goo YS, Park DJ, Ahn JR, Senok S (2016). Power of ~5 Hz Spontaneous Oscillatory Rhythm in the Degenerate Retina Might Modulate RGC Spikes to Electrical Stimulation. Front. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: MEA Meeting 2016 | 10th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Electrode Arrays. doi: 10.3389/conf.fnins.2016.93.00010
  • Dae-jin Park; JungRyul Ahn; Seong Kwang Cha; Yong Sook Goo; Solomon Senok (2016). Oscillatory Rhythm in Degenerate Mouse (rd10) Retina Modulates Retinal Ganglion Cell Response to Electrical Stimulus. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Vol.57, 3730 (ARVO Annual Meeting, held in Seattle, Wash., May 1-5, 2016)
  • Solomon Senok, Faizah A. Alshehri, Ali A. Khraibi and Ronald De Meersman (2015). The effects of a 2.5% weight loss on systolic blood pressure, baroreceptor sensitivity and autonomic modulation in young women. Proc Physiol Soc 34:116P (Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society held in Cardiff, UK - July 2015)
  • Senok, S., Stadlin, A. (2012). 1-Methyl-2-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine Differentially Dissipates Mitochondrial Membrane Potentials in Mesencephalic, Striatal, and Cortical Astrocytes. Proceedings of the Physiological Society (UK), Vol. 27, C10. Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society, Edinburgh.
  • Cahusac, P. M., Senok, S. (2011). Selective Decline in Slowly Adapting Type I Mechanoreceptors During Development in Rat Sinus Hair Follicles In Vitro. Proceedings of the Physiological Society (UK), Vol. 23, PC304. Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society, Oxford.
  • Senok, S. S., Cahusac, P. M. B. (2007). Potassium Channels Modulate the Mechanical Sensitivity of Cutaneous Type I Slowly Adapting Mechanoreceptors. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts (Online), San Diego, CA, November 2007.
  • Solomon S. Senok, Klaus I. Baumann and WingHo Yung. The different effects of amiloride on the responses of vibrissal types I and II slowly adapting mechanoreceptors (2005) Society for Neuroscience Abstracts (Online) Washington, DC:, November, 2005
  • Peter M.B. Cahusac & Solomon S. Senok (2005) Blockade of metabotropic glutamate receptors enhances responses of rat slowly adapting type I cutaneous mechanoreceptors in vitro. J. Physiol 567P C41
  • Peter M.B. Cahusac & Solomon S. Senok (2004). The effects of ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists on cutaneous slowly adapting type I responses. J Physiol 555P C155
  • S.S. Senok (2004). MK-801 block of cutaneous mechanoreceptor responses: Evidence for glutamate neurotransmission? Oral communication at the 3rd Congress of the African Association of Physiological Sciences, Morocco, 2004
  • Senok, S S, Genever, P G and Cahusac P M B (2003). Is MK-801 a specific NMDA receptor antagonist? Oral communication at the 3rd Congress of the Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS), Nice, France, June 28 - July 2, 2003
  • S S Senok, K I Baumann and P M B Cahusac (2001) MK-801 Depression of vibrissal slowly-adapting mechanoreceptor responses. J. Physiol. 536P S196
  • S S Senok, P M B Cahusac and K I Baumann (2001) Spontaneous firing in vibrissal type II slowly adapting mechanoreceptors depends on potassium channel activity. Oral communication presented at the Society for Neuroscience Conference November 10 - 15 2001 in San Diego, California
  • Baumann, KI, Chan, E, Halata, Z, Senok, SS and Yung, WH (1998). Stable responses of vibrissal mechanoreceptors isolated from rat sinus hairs. FASEB Journal 12(3): A291
  • Baumann, KI, Chan, E, Senok, SS, Yung, WH, and Halata, Z (1998). An isolated rat sinus hair preparation with stable responses of vibrissal mechanoreceptors. European Journal of Physiology 435(6): P29-2
  • Senok, SS and Stadlin, A (1998). Changes in mitochondrial membrane potentials in MPTP-treated astrocytes. Presented at the 5th Conference of Neurodegenerative Disorders: Common Molecular Mechanisms, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, February, 1998
  • Senok, SS and Stadlin, A (1997). The selective changes in mitochondrial membrane potentials in 1-methyl-4-phenyl 1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-treated astrocytes. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 23:274
  • Senok, SS, Yung, WH and Baumann, KI (1997). Intracellular calcium dynamics in hyposmostically stimulated Merkel cells of rat vibrissae. Proceedings of the 33rd Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, St. Petersburg. P079.04
  • Senok, SS, Yung, WH and Baumann, KI (1997). Calcium measurements in hyposmotically stimulated Merkel cells of isolated rat vibrissae. Neuroscience Letters Supplement 47, S25
  • Baumann, KI, Senok and Yung, WH (1996). CICR in Merkel cell mechanoreceptors from isolated rat vibrissae. Abstract A 069 (Presented at the First Congress of the Federation of Asian and Oceanian Neuroscience Societies (FAONS), Pattaya, Thailand, October 19 -23, 1996)
  • Senok, SS, Chan, DWH, Lam, HSY and Lee, YC (1996). NPY induces cytosolic calcium elevation in hamster glucagon-producing islet cell line. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Endocrinology, San Francisco, 1996. P1-891
  • Senok, SS, Halata, Z and Baumann, KI (1996). Structure and function of quinacrine loaded Merkel cells in isolated rat sinus hairs. FASEB Journal 10(3), A161
  • Senok, SS and Baumann, KI (1996). Functional evidence for calcium-induced calcium release in isolated rat vibrissal Merkel cell mechanoreceptors. Journal of Physiology 491P, 112-113
  • Senok, SS and Baumann, KI (1996). Pharmacological characterisation of slowly adapting mechanoreceptors in isolated rat vibrissae. Neuroscience Letters Supplement 46, S3
  • Senok, SS and Baumann, KI (1995). The role of intracellular calcium release in rat sinus hair slowly adapting mechanoreceptors. Proceedings of the 4th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Abstract D2.17
  • Senok, SS, Halata, Z and Baumann, KI (1995). Chloroquine specifically impairs Merkel cell receptors in isolated rat sinus hairs. Journal of Physiology 483P, 154-155P
  • Senok, SS, Halata, Z and Baumann, KI (1995). Functional and structural studies on the survival time of an isolated rat sinus hair. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 22, A46
  • Senok, SS and Baumann, KI (1994). Response characteristics of two types of slowly adapting mechanoreceptors in the isolated rat sinus hair. Neuroscience Letters supplement 45, S47
  • Senok, SS and Baumann, KI (1993). The role of potassium currents in the mechanoelectric transduction process of Merkel cell receptors. Neuroscience Letters Supplement 44, S18.4
  • Baumann, KI and Senok, SS (1993). UV-irradiation of quinacrine stained rat Merkel cells in vitro impairs the function of slowly adapting type I receptors. Proceedings of the 32nd Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Glasgow, Abstract 278.19P
  • Adeniyi, K, Ogunkeye, O, Senok, S and Udoh, F (1993). The reactivity of rat aortic ring to electrical stimulation in vitro: effects of thyroidectomy and thyroxin administration. Proceedings of the 32nd Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Glasgow, Abstract 247.17P
Memberships, Awards and Honors
  • Young Scientists Award, 4th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Kyoto, Japan.
  • Awarded an Exchange Scholarship by the Government of the People's Republic of China to Study Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Tianjin, China (1991/92).
  • Member, The Physiological Society (UK), Since 2010
  • Member, African Association of Physiological Sciences (Council Member), Since 2004
  • Member Society for Neuroscience (USA), Since 2000
  • Member, American Physiological Society, Since 2000
  • Member, Caribbean Academy of Sciences, Since 2000