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The Athletics Unit Organizes a Workshop on Enhancing Physical Fitness in Workplace

Tuesday, May 28, 2024
The Athletics Unit Organizes a Workshop on Enhancing Physical Fitness in Workplace

The Athletics Unit at Ajman University's Student Life Office organized a virtual workshop titled "Golden Tips for Office Workers to Maintain Physical Fitness," aimed at supporting the UN's Sustainable Development Goals related to health and well-being. Captain Abdulhameed Bakour, Sports Activities Supervisor, and Abdulkarim Al Mazmi, Receptionist at the Sports Complex, presented the workshop to employees of the Smart Services Development at Ajman's Municipality and Planning Department.

The workshop featured a variety of strategies aimed at enhancing the health and well-being of employees in the office environment. This included providing tips on choosing healthy foods and emphasizing the importance of regular hydration. Additionally, a diverse range of strategies to alleviate stress and promote mental and psychological health were presented.

Regarding exercises, a set of beneficial exercises were introduced, including the well-known "40-15-5" rule, which advises sitting for 40 minutes, then standing for 15 minutes, followed by moving for 5 minutes. Additionally, the office pressure exercise targeting arm, chest, and shoulder strength was demonstrated, along with other helpful exercises requiring repetition from 10 to 15 times, contributing to enhancing physical fitness and reducing stress in the office environment. 

Furthermore, the workshop highlighted the importance of deep breathing, which contributes to enhancing blood and oxygen flow to the lungs, thereby improving blood circulation and reducing the risk of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and other infections.

The workshop concluded with a discussion session to answer attendees' questions and inquiries, contributing to a deeper understanding of the importance of exercising for office workers.