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Ajman University's College of Engineering & IT Conducts Insightful Workshop on AI and Cybersecurity

Monday, Mar 20, 2023
Ajman University's College of Engineering & IT Conducts Insightful Workshop on AI and Cybersecurity

In today's digital world, cybersecurity threats are more prevalent than ever. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a potential solution to these challenges, with its ability to detect and respond to threats in real-time. To explore this intersection of cybersecurity and AI, Ajman University's College of Engineering and Information Technology conducted a workshop that discussed the latest developments and trends in the field.

The workshop held on March 1, 2023, was arranged by the IT club. Mr. Mhd Wail Khachfa, the Chief Information Security Officer and Business Continuity Manager at the Department of Digital Ajman was the honored guest and speaker at the event.

The "AI in Cybersecurity" workshop delved into how AI is changing the security world and how it is being used to detect and avoid cyber-attacks. More than 75 students attended and discovered the various AI approaches and tools that businesses are currently using to remain ahead of the rapidly changing security environment.