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Ajman University Participates in COP27 Egypt as Part of High-Level UAE Delegation

Monday, Jan 16, 2023
Ajman University Participates in COP27 Egypt as Part of High-Level UAE Delegation

In line with our commitment to delivering climate action goals consistent with AU Climate and Sustainability Strategy 2022-2030, the UAE Green Agenda and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Ajman University (AU) joined forces with the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE) to be part of a high-level delegation representing the United Arab Emirates in COP27, the global climate change conference.

The 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, was held from November 6-20, 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. COP27 held high-level and side events, key negotiations and press conferences, hosting more than 100 Heads of State and Governments and numerous pavilions showcasing climate action around the world and across different sectors and industries.

COP27 brought together more than 45,000 participants to share ideas, solutions, and build partnerships and coalitions. Indigenous peoples, local communities, cities and civil society, including youth and children, showcased how they are addressing climate change and shared how it impacts their lives.

The participation of Ajman University in COP27 has showcased the role of the University as a higher education institution in tackling climate change and advocating environmental sustainability. Ms. Maya Haddad from the Office of Environmental Health and Safety along with Dr. Heba Aboukhousa from the College of Humanities and Sciences promoted the efforts of AU by delivering a live presentation titled: “Promoting Climate Action through Youth Empowerment and Education”. The presentation highlighted AU’s short-term and long-term climate action objectives, past activities related to climate action and sustainability, and future plans. Dr. Adnan Aziz, Director, AU Centre for Excellence in Islamic Finance (AU-CEIF) was also part of a side event along with the WWF-UAE as a panelist in the session titled: “Role of Islamic Finance in Bankable Nature Solutions to accelerate climate adaptation”.

Ajman University’s participation in COP27 will definitely reinforce its upcoming involvement and youth empowerment in COP28 that will be hosted in Dubai this November.