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Ajman University Conducts an Awareness Campaign about Breast Cancer

Monday, Oct 23, 2023
Ajman University Conducts an Awareness Campaign about Breast Cancer

In its continuous efforts to raise awareness about important health issues, the Community Engagement Office at Ajman University organized a breast cancer awareness session at Radisson Blu Hotel-Ajman in collaboration with the Saudi German Hospital. A specialized medical team highlighted the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle for breast cancer prevention.

This campaign is part of a series of events held by the University throughout the month of October, which presents a unique opportunity to emphasize the importance of breast cancer prevention and the necessity of early detection. Various awareness campaigns and events are organized, playing a crucial role in increasing awareness about breast cancer. They also provide an opportunity for collaboration between healthcare institutions and various sectors of the community to encourage women to undergo regular examinations.

"Attending this event was a unique and highly beneficial experience. I learned a lot about breast cancer and the significance of prevention and early detection. The event provided me with valuable information and practical guidance on how to maintain our health and support affected individuals. Additionally, it gave me the opportunity to interact with healthcare specialists and experts, allowing me to ask more questions and seek further advice related to breast cancer prevention. I am very pleased to have participated in this valuable event." Said Sally Mahdi, Student from the College of Business Administration,

Ajman University is dedicated to promoting social responsibility by organizing awareness campaigns covering a variety of topics and social issues. These efforts reflect the university’s commitment to improving the quality of individuals lives by providing the necessary support and resources to build a healthier society.