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Ajman University’s First Senior IT Project Sponsored by Huawei Proves a Resounding Success

Thursday, May 26, 2022
Ajman University’s First Senior IT Project Sponsored by Huawei Proves a Resounding Success

The first Senior IT Project Competition organized by Ajman University’s College of Engineering and IT, and sponsored by Huawei, proved a big success as AU students demonstrated their innovative capabilities by coming up with some unique technological solutions.

The competition which was held on May 19, 2022 was aimed at fostering a spirit of technological innovation and friendly competition among students, and going by the response it more than achieved its objectives.

A total of 17 students, divided into several groups participated in the competition and presented their projects to a panel of judges comprising AU faculty and an executive from Huawei. Two of the groups from among the participating teams were adjudged as winners.

Winning project: Student Attendance Solution using Face Recognition Technology

One of the winning teams comprising students Bahaa Zeineddine, Diyaa Tayeh, Hadeel Fraij and Mahmoud Alsaqqa developed a student attendance solution based on facial recognition technology.

“The time consumed in taking attendance at the start of classes is substantial. In the project, we interfaced a camera with an Arduino platform on a laptop to capture the face of the student while entering the classroom. The student is identified and his/her information is entered into a cloud database. More importantly, the data collected is later analysed including student attendance reports and different statistical parameters and models that can be extracted and used from the collected data. Even though the project was developed for student attendance, it can be scaled up to a larger number of participants outside the university setup.  More importantly, the system can be interfaced with other systems such as temperature sensing for applications such as COVID testing,” said the students who formed part of this winning group.

The group was supervised by Prof. Mohamed Deriche.

Winning project: Data Management & Analysis using Microsoft Power BI

The other winning team comprising students Hauwa Maijidah Galadima, Amal Gholoom, Murad Hussein, Ramsha Ansari, Reem Amer Omar and Sirin saeed Zanzoul developed a data management and analysis solution.

“We implemented BI for a fictional Australian retail company called Penta & Co, using Microsoft Power BI that contains a combination of analytics, data management and reporting tools. We created various reports and dashboards embedded in a website, so that managers of Penta & Co. at different levels can log in to view dashboards specifically related to their position. For example, a C-level executive like a CFO will see dashboards with high-level KPIs and performance in various financial years/quarters and regions. In contrast, a sales manager will be able to see dashboards related to department-level sales,” said members of this winning team.

This group was supervised by Dr. Ghazi Al Naymat.

Partnership with Huawei

This competition is sponsored by our partner and leading technology company, Huawei.  The two winning teams will be awarded Huawei MatePro Tablets by Huawei.

As part of our partnership with them, Huawei is also offering 10 AU students who complete the Huawei ICT Academy Course, internship opportunities at their office. These students will be given the opportunity to join Huawei office and learn from their experts in technology. In addition, Huawei will provide these 10 students a gift of Huawei Band 6 in recognition of their effort in completing the course.