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Ajman University Organizes Fine Arts Carnival

Wednesday, Oct 19, 2022
Ajman University Organizes Fine Arts Carnival

The Fine Arts Center at Ajman University held a carnival in which 25 students from more than 10 different countries displayed their paintings and works of art.

The aim of the event was to promote an environment conducive to art and encourage students to express their feelings through various styles of painting. The Student Affairs Department and Fine Arts Unit at AU regularly organize such activities to promote students’ talent in the arts and encourage them to be more expressive.

The work on display included 50 paintings including oil paintings, acrylic, gouache, graphic, glass painting, graphic design, optical art, portrait and calligraphy.

Amidst the colorful chaos, students were offered live workshops including mandala art, glass painting, painting on silk and still life painting.

They were also able to showcase their skills in handmade decorations. This included garlands of various designs, movable compositions like the pinwheel and more. It was mesmerizing to see how a few strips of paper came to life through the creativity and efforts of the participants.

Zainab Ali, Medicine Sophomore at AU, said: “I participated in the event to display my artwork that represents 2 different painting styles: Baghdadiat art, a reminiscence of Iraqi culture, and the calligraphy portraits. The Fine Arts Center has always been supportive to our talents. It encouraged us to use our creative minds to come up with our own compositions.”

The students whose works of art were presented at the exhibition have been members of the Centre and regularly participate in exhibitions both on campus and off it. Participating students were presented with small tokens of appreciation and certificates for their work.