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Ajman University Granted Eligibility Status by WASC Accreditation

Tuesday, Apr 26, 2022
Ajman University Granted Eligibility Status by WASC Accreditation

Ajman University (AU) has been granted Eligibility status by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) in the United States, Ajman University Chancellor Dr. Karim Seghir announced in an email to the AU community.

“This achievement serves as a landmark moment in our institution’s history and future as we continue to pursue excellence on a global scale. Now that we have been granted Eligibility, we have five years (until March 2027) to achieve Candidacy,” the Chancellor said in his announcement.

 WSCUC accreditation aids institutions in developing and sustaining effective educational programs and assures the educational community and the general public that an accredited institution has met high standards of quality and effectiveness. To earn Eligibility status with this rigorous and prestigious commission is a testament to AU’s integrity and values.

 The WSCUC External Review Panel commended AU for an extremely well written application that was professional, sophisticated, and thorough. They also greatly appreciated AU’s Fact Book as a very helpful source of information. The panel further commended AU for revising its bylaws to strive for alignment with WSCUC’s principles, values, and expectations. Finally, AU was commended for its vision of the future reflecting a mature appreciation.

 “Working towards institutional accreditation from a globally recognized commission like WSCUC requires unwavering commitment and determination from every stakeholder. Year after year, the entire AU community demonstrates both.  As always, I am profoundly grateful to the Board of Trustees and the entire AU community for your support of AU’s strategic goals and journey of academic excellence,” said Dr. Karim Seghir.