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Scenes of Exuberance and Joy at Ajman University’s Commencement Ceremony 2021

Sunday, Jun 06, 2021
Scenes of Exuberance and Joy at Ajman University’s Commencement Ceremony 2021

Ajman University’s Commencement Ceremony concluded in style on June 3, with more than 750 AU graduates receiving their diplomas over a three-day, gala drive-through event that drew applause from everyone for its grandeur and creativity.

There were scenes of exuberance, joy, and pride as the graduating students rolled in one-by-one in their cars, with families in tow. The atmosphere was invigorated with the congratulatory shouts of their loved ones, as the students walked the red carpet leading to the stage one-by-one to collect their diploma from the Chancellor.

“It is a very exciting moment in my life to get a well-recognized degree from Ajman University and it has been made more memorable by the fantastic organization of this event,” said Biomedical Engineering graduate and Tunisian citizen Haifa Ochi, straining to be heard amidst the raucous applause all around her.  “Other universities had virtual ceremonies, but our university came up with an out-of-the-box solution to the prevailing Covid-19 challenge,” Haifa added.

Osman Zohair, an Iraqi student and Interior Design graduate from AU said, “I live in Dubai and have been commuting to Ajman University since the last 4-5 years. But each day has been worth the effort as I received top-class education from some of the best faculty in the world. I am excited and confident of stepping into the professional world now with a well-recognized degree and practical education.”

While students enjoyed the drive-through event, strict social distancing guidelines ensured everyone remained safe. Graduating students and other attendees were required to take Covid-19 DPI tests before entering the venue. Tests were provided free of cost at Ajman University’s Covid-19 Testing and Vaccination facility on campus.

“I noticed there’s proper social distancing and masks; Covid-19 prevention norms are being followed well,” said Ommiya Hosnor, sister of graduating student Islam Hosnor, commenting on her experience of the event.

More than 750 graduates of Ajman University, belonging to various academic streams were honored over the three-day Commencement Ceremony from June 1-3. The drive - through commencement ceremony was broadcast live on Facebook.

“It is the culmination of years of hard-work and perseverance for students and we wanted to ensure that it remains a memorable event for their lifetimes,” said AU Chancellor Dr. Karim Seghir. “Despite the Covid19 challenges, students persisted with their academic efforts, supported by the untiring resolve of AU faculty and staff. I would like to congratulate the students for their momentous journey and wish them luck for their future endeavors,” Dr Karim concluded.