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AU Student shares How the DBA Program is Transforming Her into a Leader

Sunday, Jul 25, 2021
AU Student shares How the DBA Program is Transforming Her into a Leader

Most business graduates these days put a full stop to their formal education after completing their MBA or Masters and focus more on professional pursuits. While that is the pragmatic thing to do, a Doctoral Program in Business Administration can be highly rewarding, if you have the perseverance and motivation to pursue it while continuing to work.

 Ajman University (AU) student Khulood Mohamed for example is pursuing her Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) at AU, while working as a Lecturer with the Federal Police School in the Ministry of Interior. “The DBA program at Ajman University has given me the confidence to become a change-maker and business transformer at my workplace,” says Khulood. Hear from Khulood how pursuing a DBA at Ajman University is shaping her into a business leader for tomorrow:


What are the benefits of doing a DBA, especially since business graduates tend to focus more on practical experience rather than a Doctoral degree?

The DBA program has given me the confidence to become a change-maker and business transformer at my workplace. I’m able now to continue personal development and communication skills that are needed at my workplace.


How has been your experience of the DBA at AU? What would you say are some if its unique advantages?

Ajman university has many enriching intellectual and professional activities; for instance, I have access to a variety of trainings and workshops from different fields. I have experienced it to be a dynamic and active environment that never stops learning. As a DBA student, I always have something new to learn and do and without any additional cost.


Leadership & Communication are key aspects of a DBA program anywhere. How has the DBA program contributed in nurturing your communication and leadership skills?

The academic life at Ajman University enables us to engage in intellectually enriching negotiations and debates with our peers, fellow students, professors and others. This enhances our abilities in constructive dialogue and trains us to ask meaningful questions that enrich the negotiation process. In addition, many communication channels are available between the students, teachers and the university faculty. This develops communication skills and qualifies us for administrative leadership.


How would you describe the DBA faculty at AU?

Faculty members in the DBA program at AU ensure that the content and quality of instruction in the classroom remains of a high standard and is globally competitive. I am also happy to note that there is emphasis on continuous improvement in the form of new and better techniques, online technologies, procedures and methods that may improve the learning and teaching cycle. The faculty at AU pay attention to individual needs of each student and provide learning opportunities that challenge and enrich all learners.


Is what you’re studying/researching relevant from an industry point of view?

Currently I’m working on consumer behavior research. It is highly industry-relevant in terms of changing consumer behavior towards fast fashion and reducing environmental waste.


What is your advice to prospective students who wish to pursue a DBA at AU?

Ajman University is a unique university with state-of-the-art infrastructure, a thriving student life with lots of intellectually enriching as well as fun activities, and most importantly, highly experienced global faculty who train you to become globally competitive. If you’re considering a Doctoral program in Business administration, or any other degree for that matter, I would highly recommend you to enroll at Ajman University.