Media Inquiries

Communication and Marketing Department

Sharjah Govt Media Bureau Trains Ajman University Students Online

Wednesday, Apr 15, 2020
Sharjah Govt Media Bureau Trains Ajman University Students Online

Sharjah Government Media Bureau has organized several online training workshops for the College of Mass Communication students,  Ajman University (AU).

“The training sessions are meant to bolster AU students’ mass communication skills and get them ready for the field at the hand of high caliber experts,” said Dr. Sherin Moussa, Assistant Professor, College of Mass Communication, AU.

The ‘Professional Work Shadow’ program is kind of a practical application of what the students have learnt in their college, she added.

“The scheduled sessions are a good chance for AU students to learn from the experience of staff experts at the Sharjah government Media Bureau.”

Elaborating, Aysha Alkaabi, an Executive with the Sharjah Government Media Bureau, said the students attended five training workshops; one per day in the first phase of the program.

“The workshops covered a number of topics, spanning media coverage on social media, event organization, digital journalism, art of management, and the fundamentals of mass communication.”

Alkaabi, who is in charge of the ‘Professional Work Shadow’ Program said the second stage of the program started already on Sunday, April 12, and are to end on Thursday, April 16, 2020.

“These training sessions cover a set of new skills, including the organization of international forums, job interviews, photography, and other interactive workshops.”