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World Arthritis Day at Ajman University

Friday, Oct 11, 2019
World Arthritis Day at Ajman University

World Arthritis Day (WAD) is a global awareness-raising day; designed to raise and promote awareness of the symptoms connected to rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) and the importance of gaining early diagnosis and access to care. Movement Mantra collaborated with Ajman University to volunteer and to participate for the World Arthritis day. Our 17 volunteers participated in this awareness campaign and also volunteered for scanning the bone density as this was an interesting experience for the students of biomedical engineering. The participants had a chance to listen to the stories of the patients and also were informed that how movement helps the bone to be flexible. The students enjoyed the Dance & movement, meditation, Physiotherapy session and fitness program at the end of the day. The event was open to all community and the health check-up was sponsored by Ajman University. The event was held on October 11, 2019 at Shangri-La Hotel, Dubai