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Communication and Marketing Department

AU Faculty Trained on Digital Scientific Research

Friday, Apr 19, 2019
AU Faculty Trained on Digital Scientific Research

Ajman University has organized an advanced workshop on the latest methods of digital scientific research for faculty members at the College of Mass Communication.

The lecture, host by the AU College of Mass Communication, was delivered by German expert Dr. Cornelius Puschmann, a Senior Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research in Hamburg, Germany.

In his workshop, Dr. Puschmann talked about an array of research methods and electronic applications used in analyzing the digital content of social media platforms.

He also explained "R statistics" analysis in detail and advised the attendees on the best way to use electronic applications, digital data and statistical diagrams in developing media studies.

The lecturer and faculty members present later got involved in a valuable discussion on several practical applications of the same on social media networks, spanning "Twitter, Facebook, YouTube."