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Insightful Workshops on Communication, Emotional Intelligence and Personal Energies for AU Students

Monday, Mar 26, 2018
Insightful Workshops on Communication, Emotional Intelligence and Personal Energies for AU Students

Student Affairs strives to keep the skill set of students up to the market trends along with equipping them with skills it also coaches them for a comprehensive approach to life and work. Within this framework the office of counselling organized workshops and lectures pertaining to the overall well-being and holistic view of the students life on and off campus.

Dr. Rasha Abdulla presented a workshop on “Communication skills and body language”. It dealt with the meaning of the concept of communication skills and body language. She stressed the importance of this process without which he cannot exists in a society. Human beings need the basic communication skills to be able to develop and survive. She pointed out the various means of communicating through language and body in the most appropriate ways suited to the situations.

Ms. Hala Martini presented a workshop titled "Our Sight on the Balance of Love - A Course in Emotional Intelligence". The workshop stressed on the concept of emotional intelligence, its dimensions, qualities and the key to successful human relations. She also highlighted the four ways of acquiring and developing emotional intelligence.

Ms. Maha Taharawy, presented an insightful workshop on "Negative Energy and Disposal"

She explained that the negative energy is the negative manifestations and the accompanying psychological and social effects that negatively affect the person's life, and it also does not stop at the borders of a particular person, but affects all relations between him and the people. She pointed out that it has the ability to invade the surrounding people, therefore its important to avoid it. She outlined the most important steps to get rid of negative energy, that were replacing it with positivity, responsible attitude, exercise, drinking water, accepting Allah’s will and most importantly reflecting on ones behavior.

Students enjoyed the sessions and interacted with the presented with relevant questions and queries. AU regularly organizes workshops to encourage students to learn and implement the best practices into their academic and personal lives.