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Vitamin D Deficiency Lecture by AU Lecturer

Thursday, Apr 06, 2017
Vitamin D Deficiency Lecture by AU Lecturer

In line with Ajman University’ initiative of the Year of Giving and realizing the vision of strategically and effectively engaging with the local community, Mrs. Alaa Al Amiry has delivered a lecture on Vitamin D. The presentation was delivered to a wide audience in Musheirif Healthcare Center, Ajman. During the lecture, Mrs. Al Amiry, a lecturer at Unit of General Studies, had explained the complications of vitamin D deficiency and the impactful extent of this issue in the Gulf region in comparison with international statistics.

Mrs. Al Amiry emphasized on the necessity to spread awareness amongst the public because “There is a general ignorance among the public on the real role of vitamin D in human health, restricting it only to the health of bones. While this is correct, the role of vitamin D extends beyond this to include the prevention of certain types of cancers, and certain autoimmune diseases like Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and vitiligo, whose incidences have raised recently in the region due to a wide spread vitamin D deficiency among the public” as she explained. 

During the lecture, Mrs. Al Amiry explained that the sun is the main source of vitamin D, and that the food provides us with only 20% of our daily requirements. She also described the ideal way to achieve the daily requirements from the vitamin.

The lecture was part of an annual program on healthcare awareness directed and organized by Musheirif Healthcare Center.