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Patriotic Fervor and Creative Flair Makes AU Global Day a Unique Flavor of the World

Wednesday, Mar 15, 2017
Patriotic Fervor and Creative Flair Makes AU Global Day a Unique Flavor of the World

Ajman University (AU) celebrated Global Day by hosting a festival on campus. AU aimed to widen UAE university students’ cultural horizon of, propagate traditional culture of each country and present global customs and traditions. It witnessed several countries participating in the plays, dance performances, cultural activities and stand-up comedy, keeping the theme of togetherness alive.

Dr. Nahla Al Qassimi, Dean, Student Affairs Office pointed out that students had worked relentlessly to ensure the event was successful. The teamwork of students and staff along with the support of AU management truly is evident in the organization of this event. The students learnt to work within a given budget to achieve the representation. 23 countries are represented at this event including UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Oman, Sudan, America, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Morocco, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Syria, Europe, Libya, Lebanon amongst others.

Global Day” cultural activity was organized by Student Affairs Office and inaugurated by Dr. Karim Seghir, Chancellor AU. He reiterated that AU boasts a multicultural student body whose proud origins are showcased through creatively designed cultural stands that reflected the culture and heritage of the different countries. He praised the students for their efforts and patriotic fervor which is evident in the enthusiasm of the students.

In particular, the Emirati tent emphasized Bedouin roots and flavorsome cuisine of the region and included demonstrations of the progress the country has accomplished in the past 30 years through various designs.

Integrated in a day of awareness was a platform of performances by each of the participating countries, from folkloric dancing from the Levant, Gulf, Palestine, India to several rapper and singers.

Although divided by borders, AU students were seen gracefully teaching one another the steps of their dances and sharing the food from each tent, showing the tolerance, acceptance and love for each other.