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Health Awareness During Pregnancy Lecture at AU

Saturday, Apr 29, 2017
Health Awareness During Pregnancy Lecture at AU

As part of Ajman University's initiatives for the Year of Giving, the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Ajman University organized an educational lecture to raise awareness about the health care methods of pregnant women.

Dr. Samir Bloukh, Head of Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences addressed the most important health issues faced by women during pregnancy along with ways to ensure a safe and comfortable pregnancy.

This awareness lecture was opened with a speech by Dr. Najib Abdul Jalil, Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, he praised the initiative as part of the Year of Giving and praised the importance of intensifying these awareness activities to the benefit the society, stressing that the role of universities is not limited to teaching.

The lecture was attended by a number of university professors and female students from the various disciplines and sectors. This valuable lecture dealt with the importance of periodic examination of pregnant women before, during and after pregnancy to avoid the abnormalities that may appear in newborns and the importance of the State's availability of free vaccinations for mothers and children to ensure the emergence of a generation free of diseases.

 At the end of the lecture, the discussion was opened about the importance of intensifying such awareness campaigns to serve citizens and residents in the country.