Media Inquiries

Communication and Marketing Department

Gifting is Loving Campaign by AU Students

Monday, May 01, 2017
Gifting is Loving Campaign by AU Students

The students from the College of Mass Communication and Humanities at Ajman University organized a campaign “Gifting is Loving” for students who are currently enrolled in the course Media Planning and Advertising Campaigns conducted under the supervision of Dr. Mona Ali Abdul Rahman, Assistant Professor at the College. The campaign follows the teaching of our Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) that exchanging gifts increases the love amongst the people.

All the AU staff at university were gifted with souvenirs reflecting the campaign. The students wanted to express their appreciation of the kind efforts of the staff. The staff was surprised by the sweet gesture as students passed across the campus bearing beautifully wrapped gifts.
Dr. Hussam Salama, Dean, College of Mass Communication and Humanities and Dr. Abdul Haq Al Nuaimi, Vice-Chancellor for Advancement and Communication honored the students who spread cheers across the campus and appreciated the relentless efforts of the staff members.