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First Students Club Fair in AU

Tuesday, Feb 28, 2017
First Students Club Fair in AU

The first students’ club fair at Ajman University opened amidst lot of fanfare and enthusiasm. Students’ energetic efforts and relentless preparations made the event a feast for the talented student fraternity that wanted to join the various clubs on campus.

Chancellor of Ajman University Karim Seghir inaugurated the fair, organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs. Dr. Nahla Al Qassimi, Dean of Student Affairs welcomed Vice- Chancellors, Deans and faculty members who visited the fair.

60 clubs varying in nature represented the scientific, cultural and talents group were at the fair to vow students. Theatre, social media, Emirati, Asian, Korean, Literature, IT, Photography, Designer, Legal, Women's Life Coaching, Sustainability, Go Green, Dentistry, Art Renaissance, Anastomosis Dental, Happiness, Books, Culture Mania, Akemi Anime were just some of the clubs that presented the students interest and ….

The booths were enticingly decorated to reflect the theme and students creativity shined through them. Each kiosk was unique in its offering and décor, Chancellor Seghir spoke with the students at the fair, and inquired about the idea behind each of them, he encouraged them to further their talents and creative flair through these clubs.

On her part Dr. Nahla, stated that the clubs would play a leading role in letting students express their interests, hobbies and culture. The interaction between the students was positively influenced throughout the collaborative process of putting this fair together.