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Education Specialist Workshop at AU

Friday, Feb 24, 2017
Education Specialist Workshop at AU

The Office of Operational Education at the College of Education and Basic Sciences organized a workshop entitled “Academic Planning within a Developed Curriculum”. Mr. Khaled Al Jarrah, conducted the workshop at the Sheikh Zayed Centre for Conferences and Exhibitions.

This workshop comes within the framework of the "skills" program, which aims at raising the bar of the educationalists. The academic year 2016-2017 has witnessed many courses and trainings so far and many are planned during the course of this year. The trainings encompass public, private and college students equipping them with the skill set and knowledge that will keep pace with the ever-developing arena of education. The UAE vision 2021, which seeks to support the schools and teachers, achieve distinction at both national and international level, is also inclusive in the agenda set out by the College of Education and Basic Science.

This workshop dealt with the importance of academic planning and the practical methods of implementing the planning process. The attendees expressed their satisfaction and benefits they reaped from this workshop.