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Ajman University shine at URC Abu Dhabi

Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Ajman University shine at URC Abu Dhabi

AU students competed at URC Undergraduate Research Competition organized in Abu Dhabi. The event witnessed the enthusiastic and innovation participation of 987 students hailing from 30 different universities across the United Arab Emirates. They presented their unique researches, papers, posters and presentations in various categories at the URC.

3 AU teams outshined others at the competition from the College of Engineering and the College of Mass Communication and Humanities. The first place in the electrical engineering category was bagged by the project “System to fight natural disaster and crisis”. Another first place bagged in the category of Media and public relations was by the students of the College of Mass Communication and Humanities who presented “the relationship between media academia and the practical skills of journalism”, this award marks a very rewarding victory for the hard working and talented media students who participated in this competition for the first time and took home the first position for their University.

The second prestigious position was attained by the “Wearable Technology for Fire-Fighters”, this project which was a collaborative efforts of students from both Colleges of Engineering and IT, also received much praise from the judges.

It is noteworthy that the competition categories include research and projects in information technology and computer engineering , electrical, electronic, engineering , environmental , mechanical engineering, sciences, biology, chemistry , chemical engineering, petroleum accounting, finance, economics, marketing, architecture, urban planning , civil engineering , public relations and mass communication, human resources management, management, psychology, sociology, education, science political, environmental and public health.

The importance of this unique competition is that it promotes and consolidates the culture of scientific research - based innovation through healthy competition. As it positively contributes to raising awareness about the importance of equipping university students with skills of scientific research and innovative thinking.