In line with the College of Mass Communication mission to develop the scientific research skills of its faculty staff members, the training committee at the college organized an interactive training session in cooperation with "SAGE Publications" based "Since 1965 - New York". The training coordinator for scientific journals "Chloe Turner" presented an introduction the specialized journals in communication and media studies, where faculty members can benefit from the research content of about "54 scientific journals" including "4 open access journals", which provides access to more than 41,000 refereed research articles. The participants were also introduced to the research areas that they can benefit from it in their specialty, through a live demonstration which browses and elaborate these journals and how to search across it, in order to access the most related studies to their research interests. In addition to explaining how they can create a personal account to save searches and favorite journals for each user, and how to adjust the special settings like Email alerts to get notifications of what's new in the specialty.