Position: Professor position in Automatic Control and Computer Engineering at Université de Bordeaux, France
Speech Title: Stability of incommensurate fractional and distributed parameter systems, a constraint satisfaction problem approach.
Rachid Malti received his Ph.D in Automatic Control from INPL, Nancy, France in 1999. Since 2013, he is holding a full professor position in Automatic Control and Computer Engineering at Université de Bordeaux. His main research interests include fractional differentiation and its applications in automatic control and system identification. He is currently working in several application areas such as modeling Lithium-ion batteries and decision planning in autonomous vehicles. He is developing, with his colleagues, the object oriented CRONE toolbox for fractional systems, freely available at \href{http://cronetoolbox.ims-bordeaux.fr}{http://cronetoolbox.ims-bordeaux.fr}. He is co-chair of the steering committee of ICFDA and a member of two IFAC technical committees, namely 1.1 ``Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing'' and 2.2 ``Linear Control Systems''. He is also co-chair of the steering committee of ICFDA conference.