Cryptocurrency Base Educational System




Title of the Project Cryptocurrency Base Educational System
 Students Details  201220540 Sani Yahaya Karami
201410071 Mohammed A Y A Alali
201112765 Abdollah Abdolrahman Mousazadeh Gaz
Abstract This project is using the world latest and most advanced technology “mining crypto currency” with distributed hash calculating and least resources usage and it will target the most valuable people in order to make them get more knowledge and help us in making money. This project consists of two ideas that are chained together, first making the website that will target millions of users and will have thousands of users each day, and the second chain is operating mining operation with each users CPU. In another term, if we want to simplify the idea behind this project it will be as the following: The users on the website will have their questions and answers and in return, we will use their CPU to do mining calculations. There is online money called Monero it’s a cryptocurrency that can be mined even in browsers and website have a simple API in order to make browsers do mining when they open websites that are using COINHIVE API. And we as coin hive lovers are using its API on our website in order to get the users on the website do mining for us.