Food Ingredients Scanner



Title of the Project Food Ingredients Scanner
Students Details 201210683 Waleed Abdullah Noman Al Balushi 
201310917 Mohamed Mahmoud El Sayed Ibrahim El Sayed
201311665 Oubay Allaeddin Saghir
Abstract There are great changes to the world around us, especially in the field of technology and information technology, where the pace of life is accelerating with the huge number of advantages of modern technologies have been designed and work hard. In the perspective of the importance of the existence of applications in the health we come with the idea in making this project and it’s an application that helps patients in making decisions about their choice of food. Our graduation project is about building a mobile application called “Food Ingredients Scanner” that takes advantages of the new technologies that are emerging nowadays. This application scans and reveals the ingredients of the food products, and then give an immediate result on the suitability of the food product for the patient or not.