Dr. Ahmad Al Jaghsi obtained his Diploma in Removable Prosthodontics and master degree in Prosthodontics from Damascus University, Syria. He was a staff member at the Department of Removable Prosthodontics between 2003 and 2009. In 2009, he moved to Germany. He visited sixteen different German universities to enhance his clinical skills, theoretical and scientific knowledge in all aspects of Prosthodontics and to complete his Diploma, Master of Science, and Ph.D. in Prosthodontics. Between 2011 and 2018, Dr. Al jaghsi was a staff member at the Polyclinic of Prosthetic Dentistry, Greifswald Univerity. Dr. Al jaghsi was engaged in many clinical researches and projects in the field of Prosthodontics and Implantology supported by international companies like 3M ESPE Germany GmbH, Ivoclar Vivadent GmbH, and Renfert GmbH. He was a Dental Implant Consultant in six different centers around Germany. Currently, Dr. Al Jaghsi is Associate Professor at Ajman University, College of Dentistry, UAE, and Visiting Lecturer, Greifswald University, Department of Prosthodontics, Gerodontology and Dental Materials, Germany.
With provisional restorations, properties such as flexural strength play a key role in maintaining the abutment teeth in position over the interim period until the final restorations are placed. This study aimed to evaluate and compare the flexural strength of four commonly used provisional resin materials. Ten identical 25 × 2 × 2 mm specimens were made from four different groups of provisional resin material, namely 1: SR Ivocron (Ivoclar Vivadent) cold-polymerized poly-methyl methacrylate (PMMA), 2: S Ivocron (Ivoclar Vivadent) heat-polymerized PMMA, 3: Protemp (3M Germany-ESPE) auto-polymerized bis-acryl composite, and 4: Revotek LC (GC Corp, Tokyo) light-polymerized urethane dimethacrylate resin. The mean values of the flexural strength of each group were calculated and the data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc tests. The mean values (MPa) were as follows: for cold-polymerized PMMA, it was 125.90 MPa; for heat-polymerized PMMA, it was 140.00 MPa, with auto-polymerized bis-acryl composite 133.00 MPa; and for light-polymerized urethane dimethacrylate resin, it was 80.84 MPa. Thus, the highest flexural strength was recorded with heat-polymerized PMMA and the lowest flexural strength with light-polymerized urethane dimethacrylate resin, which was significantly low. The study did not detect a significant difference in the flexural strengths of cold PMMA, hot PMMA, and auto bis-acryl composite.
Inserting strategic implants under existing removable partial dentures requires a comprehensive understanding of removable prosthodontic basics and possible designs, as well as a thorough understanding of implant therapy. Prior to the widespread adoption of implants as standard prosthetic therapy, remaining roots were preserved and used to minimize bone resorption under the removable denture. Root-supported overdentures become less common after the overwhelming clinical studies that emphasize dental implants’ reliability and high success and survival rate. Fixed prostheses cannot be used to treat a severely decreased dentition unless a significant number of implants can be inserted, sufficient bone quantity and quality are available, and the patients can afford the treatment. On the other hand, using strategic implants under existing RPD upgrades the design to a more favorable support type. It improves patient satisfaction with the RPD in speaking, chewing, retention, stability, and RPD support. This improvement could be reached earlier if the patient received immediate loading. Strategic implants can also improve chewing ability, stabilize the occlusion, increase bite force and improve patient oral health-related quality of life. Moreover, better distribution of occlusal forces that may reduce bone resorption may be gained. Furthermore, strategic implants can improve comfort, confidence, and esthetics by reducing the RPD size and removing the retainers from the esthetic zone.