The Office of Sustainability at Ajman University Organizes an Awareness Workshop Titled “Sustainable University Life”

Thursday, Aug 31, 2023
The Office of Sustainability at Ajman University Organizes an Awareness Workshop Titled “Sustainable University Life”

The Office of Sustainability at Ajman University, in collaboration with the Climate X Leadership Training Program, organized an awareness workshop titled " Sustainable University Life". The workshop was presented by Ms. Nazanin Ajam, a student from the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. The aim of this workshop is to highlight the importance of adopting sustainable environmental practices among students and university staff, in order to promote the university's transition towards a campus community characterized by sustainability.

The workshop addressed three main environmental themes. The first focus was on "Sustainable Campus", aiming to encourage students and university staff to adopt sustainable best practices within the campus. This includes the significance of waste management and its eco-friendly analysis, energy conservation, as well as promoting the use of public transportation and other practices contributing to mitigating the impacts of climate change.

In the second theme, the spotlight was on "Climate Leadership", emphasizing the vital role that students can embrace to support the country's efforts in combating climate change. They were motivated to innovate and bring forth new initiatives through the development of novel techniques.

Lastly, the third theme of the awareness workshop tackled the significance of the "Carbon Footprint", serving as a gauge for the amount of gas emissions released by humans due to their daily activities.

Nazanin Ajam stated, "As a student at the university and a trainee in the Climate X Leadership Training Program, I presented this workshop with the aim of fostering a culture of environmental responsibility and sustainable practices on campus. Throughout the workshop, I encouraged students, faculty members, and staff to make positive changes towards the environment, empowering them as future climate leaders."

Shahad Tayseer Khalil, Student from the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences added, "Through my participation in the workshop, I've gained a heightened awareness of the importance of sustainability and its impact on the environment. I've learned how our daily actions can contribute to improving both the environment and the community around us. I now feel committed to adopting more sustainable lifestyle habits and encouraging others to join efforts in preserving our planet."

Ajman University dedicates its resources and efforts to empower youth to become pioneers in sustainable change, evolving into inspiring leaders in promoting sustainability. This workshop aligns with the university's plans to implement its climate and sustainability-related strategy for the period from 2022 to 2030. Moreover, it contributes to supporting the upcoming COP28 conference hosted by the United Arab Emirates.

The workshop witnessed active participation from university students and faculty members, who shared suggestions and ideas to enhance sustainability on campus.