Seminar “Problem-based learning in social service education"
Tuesday, Feb 04, 2020
The Department of Sociology organized a seminar entitled “Problem-based learning in social service education . The seminar was led by Dr. Amna Abushahab.
Dr. Salah Jad, Head of the Department, presented a paper about the seminar topic.
This useful seminar highlighted the following topics:
- Introduction about Problem-based learning in social service.
- Educational goals for Problem-based learning.
- The benefits of Problem-based learning.
- The elements of Problem-based learning.
- The supporting technology for Problem-based learning.
- Example of Universities that teach Problem-based learning.
- Example of International experiences in teaching using Problem-based learning.
- Conclusions and recommendations for Problem-based learning in social service.
- Visualize a proposal for an interactive lab for Problem-based learning.