Tizreena Binti Mohd Ismail
  • Tizreena Binti Mohd Ismail

  • Lecturer, Manager of Teaching and Learning Center
  • Ext: 6935/5088

Dr. Tizreena Ismail is the Manager of the Teaching and Learning Center and a Lecturer in the Department of Foreign Languages. She holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics Education from the University of Exeter and has over 15 years of experience teaching Rhetoric and Composition, Public Speaking, and Applied Linguistics courses in the Middle East and Asia. She previously taught at the American University of Sharjah and was a full-time faculty member at Universiti Putra Malaysia, where she specialized in Critical Thinking, Discourse Analysis, and Public Speaking. Dr. Tizreena is dedicated to educational development and fostering innovation in teaching and learning. She collaborates across the University and the region to promote transformative education and hybrid learning models. Through the Teaching and Learning Center, she leads faculty development initiatives, workshops, and programs that support faculty in adopting evolving educational trends. Her research interests include dialogic pedagogy, digital literacy in education, and EFL learner identity, particularly in literacy development and assessment. She has presented and published on dialogic talk in language and writing pedagogy, writing across the curriculum, language and media, and the impact of dialogic pedagogy on learner identity and motivation.

  • B.A. in English Language, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, 2004.
  • M.A. in Language, Communication, and Research, Cardiff University, United Kingdom, 2006.
  • Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics and Education, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, 2019.
  • Assistant Lecturer, Department of English Language, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, 2006-2008.
  • English Language Instructor, Ittihad University, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, Spring 2008.
  • Instructor, Department of Writing Studies, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE, September 2008 - August 2015.
  • Lecturer, TEFL Department, College of Education and Basic Sciences, Ajman University, UAE, February 2016 – Present.
  • Manager, Teaching and Learning Center, Ajman University, 2023 - Present.
Teaching Area
  • Language teaching and identity, writing studies pedagogy, and critical issues in literacy development and EFL learner assessment.
  • Rhetoric and Composition.
  • Education Development and Collaborative Learning.
  • Writing across the curriculum, language and identity, dialogic teaching, and its impact on learner identity and motivation in language students.
  • Transformative Education, Digital Education, Education Development.
Conference Presentation
  • Paper Presented: “Learner-Centric Pedagogy in Higher Education: Exploring Dialogism in English Language Classrooms in the UAE” at the 7th World Conference on Future of Education (WCFEDUCATION), Cambridge University, United Kingdom, December 2023.
  • Paper Presented: “Dialogic Approaches in Teaching Writing” at the Teaching Learning Directors & Academic Developers Roundtable Summit, NYUAD, Abu Dhabi, November 2021.
  • Paper Presented: “Language Assessment and Learner Identities: Labeling Learners through Placement Tests” at the 16th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 2018.
  • Graduate Student Research: “Labeling Student Writers at AUS” presented at the University of Exeter Academic Writing/TESOL Graduate Research Seminar, Dubai, UAE, February 2015.
  • Paper Presented: “Participatory Feedback: Critical Action Research on Dialogic Writing Classrooms in the Middle East,” at the 3rd International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Society, Hong Kong, December 2014.
  • Paper Presented: “Sustaining Writer Identities of Freshman Students in the Middle East,” at the Annual International Conference on Sustainable Human Development, Brunel University Campus, Uxbridge, London, United Kingdom, April 2014.
  • Paper Presented: “Media in the 21st Century: An Analysis of Its Association to Culture, Pedagogy, and Identities of Subgroups,” at the International Journal of Arts and Science Conference, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA, March 2013.
  • Paper Presented: “The Language of Advertising and Its Portrayal of Women” at The International Conference on Education, Athens, Greece, May 2012.
  • Paper Presented: “Advertising Lingo” at The International Journal of Arts and Science Conference, Harvard, Boston, U.S.A., May 2011.
  • Paper Presented: “Older Adults in Advertisements” at The Florida Communication Association Convention 2010, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, U.S.A., October 2010.
  • Paper Presented: “A Content Analysis of Older Adults in Malaysian Magazine Advertisements” at the International Technology, Education, and Development Conference (INTED), March 2009.
Memberships, Awards and Honors
  • AYM: Actualizing Youth Mobility to Lead and Innovate in the 21st Century, International Collaborative Teaching Grant, Stevens Initiative, August 2023.
  • AYM: Actualizing Youth Mobility to Lead and Innovate in the 21st Century, International Collaborative Teaching Grant, Stevens Initiative, April 2022.
  • Stevens Initiative Connected Classroom Faculty Scholar, October 2021.
  • AU Funded Research Grant AY (2021-22 IRG/IDG)
  • AUS Research and Conference Grants - 7 total, 2009-2015.
  • University Putra Malaysia Tutorship Grant for MA program, 2004-2006.
  • HITACHI Young Leaders Initiative Grant, 2003.
  • UNEP Youth Envoys Grant, 2001.
  • Member of TESOL Arabia 2011- Present.
  • Member of FCA: Florida Communication Association, 2011- Present.
  • Member of World Universities Debate Organization, 2004 - Present.
  • Member of HITACHI Young Leaders Program, 2003 - Present.