Dr. Salah Gad is an Associate Professor of Social Work at the College of Humanities and Sciences, Ajman University. He previously served as the Head of the Sociology Department from 2020 to 2023. Dr. Gad earned his higher education degrees from Helwan University in Egypt, where he obtained a Master's in Social Work with a focus on Community Organization (2006) and a Ph.D. in Institutional Development at NGOs (2010), graduating with honors. His academic journey was further enriched through exchanges with various universities. Dr. Gad’s areas of expertise include community organization, community engagement, community partnerships, local community development, intellectual security, empowerment, citizenship values, and problem-based learning in social work. He has accumulated extensive academic experience, having taught at prominent universities in the Gulf region from 2001 to 2019. Throughout his career, he has taught both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in social work, while also engaging in academic research and professional consulting. His research interests center on community-university engagement, and he has presented his work at major social work conferences. Additionally, Dr. Gad has contributed to several distinguished social work journals, furthering the field’s development.
Objective: Global citizen value has been a significant element that societies need to survive in the global world, and this aspect demands researchers’ emphasis. Thus, the current article examines the impact of educational interventions and socio-demographic variables on the global citizenship values in the UAE. The article delves into the mediating role of inter-cultural competence among educational interventions, socio-demographic variables, and global citizenship values in the UAE. Individuals with a strong educational background play a crucial role in society by conducting surveys to gather data. Results: The data was analysed using smart-PLS. The results showed that educational interventions and socio-demographic variables are positively associated with global citizenship values in the UAE. Conclusion: The findings revealed that inter-cultural competence plays a significant mediating role between educational interventions, socio-demographic variables, and global citizenship values in the UAE. © 2024, Artseduca. All rights reserved. Author keywords Educational Interventions; Global Citizenship Values; Inter-cultural Competence; Socio-demographic Variables; UAE
The study identifies and measures the emotional aspects affecting students’ learning and motivation as well as their relationship with the social and psychological environment in their family. Solving emotional problems was also one of the goals. In total, 50 schoolchildren, 16 to 18 years of age, took part in the experiment. Their parents also participated in the study for family therapy sessions. The experiment was conducted at Ajman Private School, Ajman Emirate, Ajman, United Arab Emirates. Prior to the study, graduates took a series of questionnaires to measure their emotional state. During the experiment, respondents had conversations with a social worker and an art therapist once a week. During conversations, a social worker helped the students and their parents to understand the difficulties in their relationships and to come to compromises. In art therapy sessions, respondents expressed their negative emotions on the canvas using art materials. The study lasted four months. Also, at the middle and end of the experiment, respondents took a series of tests to measure their progress over time. The outcomes demonstrated not only the interrelation of family support and emotional state but also the effectiveness of the chosen methodology. The average score on the Beck Depression Inventory prior to the study was 6.8 out of 10 points. On the Taylor’s Manifest Anxiety Scale, the average score was 7.4 points. According to the WAM test, the ‘wellbeing’ factor before the beginning of the experiment was equal to 4.9 points. © 2023 by the authors. Author keywords art therapy; depression; emotional state of students; family therapy; social work
This study is a correlational research focused on the relationship between perceived organizational politics and job satisfaction among social workers employed in non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The research involved 7 non-governmental organizations in Helwan. The results show negative correlation between perception of organizational politics and job satisfaction. The lower employment satisfaction with NGO correlates with a negative perception of NGO’s organizational politics. The study offers recommendations to help NGOs improve their organizational politics and employee satisfaction at work. The results may be useful in future research on NGO activities and politics for managing social employees. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Author keywords Job satisfaction; Non-governmental organization; Organizational politics; Social workers; Socially important functions
The COVID-19 pandemic has induced changes in the regular patterns of social interaction, causing the need for new approaches to teaching social work. This work aims to examine the features, opportunities, and prospects of implementing e-learning in Social Work Education. The study recruited 116 students from [anonymized for blind peer review] University and 109 students from [anonymized for blind peer review] University. All participants were asked to complete online questionnaires with the view of assessing their perceptions of e-learning. The study uses a structural analysis of the content of academic research in the field of online education in social work to create a questionnaire for surveying students. Based on the results of the descriptive statistics of a students’ survey and the intersection with the study of the corresponding corpus of academic research, a Conceptual model of e-learning in Social Work Education is proposed, which integrates the available academic findings and the real situation estimation in accordance with the assessment of students. Findings suggest that e-learning as a tool for teaching is a promising alternative to traditional classroom or blended learning. The effectiveness of e-learning in social work was highlighted.
The study aims to form and test a knowledge management model for universities, which made it possible to identify the most influential factors and their relationship with knowledge management processes. The sample of the study (N = 100) included members of the administrations of the United Arab Emirates universities, senior students (graduate students) and teachers. The data were collected based on a Google Forms questionnaire (65 questions). The model includes 6 main factors: leadership, organizational culture, organizational structure, human resources, information technology, measurement and control. It is assumed that the favourable influence of these factors will contribute to the effective implementation of the knowledge management process. Statistical analysis of the collected data was performed in SPSS and EViews. The model was verified with the help of the root-mean-square error of approximation. The factors "organizational culture", "human resources", "organizational structure", as the processes of creation, storage and use of information demonstrate the highest degree of compliance (value is 0.5 and below). Internal consistency was checked by calculating Cronbach's alpha (total Cronbach alpha is 0.97). To assess the existing relationships between the processes and factors of knowledge management, an analysis of Spearman's ρ correlation was performed (confidence level is 99%). The findings of the study show that the factor "organizational culture" has the greatest impact on the process of creating knowledge, and the factor of the organizational structure considerably affects knowledge management. It has been concluded that information technology is the least influential factor in the knowledge management process. The model demonstrates that the greatest influence of the “leadership” factor can be observed in the context of the process of applying knowledge. The validity of the model makes it possible to argue that it can be used as a public policy tool for the implementation of knowledge management initiatives in universities. The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that on the basis of the model described in the study, it is possible to perform a preliminary assessment of the knowledge assets of universities in order to improve the process of knowledge transfer in education and research. The model will provide university administrations with an opportunity to identify areas for improvement in order for the knowledge management process to be more effective, which ultimately should result in the creation of human capital that meets modern needs. © 2021, Bucharest University of Economic Studies Publishing House. All rights reserved. Author keywords Knowledge economy; Knowledge management; Knowledge management factors; Knowledge management model; Knowledge management processes
The purpose of this study is to identify factors that influence knowledge management and evaluate its effectiveness in non-governmental organizations in the context of an integrative-oriented approach. The assessment framework for knowledge management effectiveness offered in this study permits the evaluation of decision-making alternatives and their impact on the effectiveness of knowledge management. The analysis of knowledge management effectiveness was performed using a coefficient-based assessment method on practices such as knowledge creation, knowledge acquisition, and knowledge attraction. The assessment framework incorporates both rational and asymmetry-driven styles in the decision-making practice. The study involved six non-governmental organizations of various specializations from across the globe. The majority of non-governmental organizations showed an upward trend in the knowledge management effectiveness over the past five years. The knowledge creation asymmetry was established. The analysis of knowledge management alternative revealed that five out of six non-governmental organizations should continue those process that were effective at the time of the study and only one organization needs to move to a practice that was less effective during the research period. The major finding is that actions aimed at enhancing the least effective practice will fail to be as effective as the asymmetry-driven decision, even if they ensure a double increment. © 2020, Bucharest University of Economic Studies Publishing House. All rights reserved. Author keywords Asymmetry; Competence; Human resources; Innovation; Intellectualization; Rationality
This study is a correlational research focused on the relationship between perceived organizational politics and job satisfaction among social workers employed in non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The research involved 7 non-governmental organizations in Helwan. The results show negative correlation between perception of organizational politics and job satisfaction. The lower employment satisfaction with NGO correlates with a negative perception of NGO’s organizational politics. The study offers recommendations to help NGOs improve their organizational politics and employee satisfaction at work. The results may be useful in future research on NGO activities and politics for managing social employees