Asma Rebhi Khaleel Alarab
  • Asma Rebhi Khaleel Alarab

  • Professor
  • Ext: 6116

A professor at Sociology Dept. -college of Humanities and science at Ajman university since2020 -associate professor sociology dept. college of humanities and science at Ajman university since 2016 she received her PHD in sociology from University of Jordan 2006 , Master degree in sociology from University of Jordan 2000,and Bachelor in sociology from Yarmouk University Jordan 1996 Academic experience in Al Balqa Applied university -Jordan at the social sciences dept. 2002 up to 2016 Sabbatical year –Naïf Arab university for security sciences 2015 -KSA She has a number of scientific researches published in several national , Arabic and international approved scientific journals Membership of specialized committees and associations , (association of social work –Jordan – association of Academic Jordanian women, Saudi sociology Association –Arab specialized women union) Participation in national , Arabic and international conferences and workshops Research fields interests (Woman, elderly , family childhood , youth, Gender, sustainable development ) and different social issues

  • PhD Sociology , University of Jordan ,Jordan,2006
  • Master of Sociology ,University of Jordan , Jordan ,2000
  • Bachelor of Sociology , Yarmouk university , Jordan 1996
  • Professor - sociology dept. Ajman university- college of Humanities and science 2016- up till now
  • Associate professor - social sciences dept. Al Balqa Applied university - Jordan 2012- 2016
  • Assistant professor -social sciences dept. -Al Balqa Applied university - Jordan -2007-2012
  • A professor, Sociology dept.- College of humanities and science - Ajman university,U.A.E 2016 -up till now
  • Associate professor, Social science dept, Al Balqa applied university ,Jordan 2012-2016
  • ِAssociate professor , social science dept. Naif university for security sciences,KSA 2013-2014
  • Assistant professor,social science dept., Al Blalqa Applied university Jordan, , 2007-2012
  • Teacher,social science dept., Al Balqa applied university, Jordan 2002-2006
  • Head of development and training dept,Al Balqa applied university ,Jordan,2001-2002
  • Social worker,National Aid fund , Jordan , 1999-2001
Teaching Area
  • Under graduate :All courses of Bachelor sociology program
  • Under graduate :Some of the B.A Social work program courses
  • Post graduate : Some of the M.A rehabilitation and repair program courses KSA
  • Youth, Elderly, Globalization,Women and Gender issues, social welfare, education,violence, crime,childhood,socialization, sustainable development , Women Studies
Conference Presentation
  • Role of social work in rehabilitation and welfare inside rehabilitation institutions -1st conference for social work -university of Jordn
  • Child Sexual Abuse, sixth international conference to protect children from sexual abuse -Dubai Women`s Association 2015
  • Overdo youth protection conference -Kuwait university kuwait ,2015
  • Television and social change conference - Algeria -2013
  • First international conference for information technology and communications -Tunisia -2012
  • First international conference in social and human sciences in Islamic world -London 2012
  • First international conference in social and human sciences in Islamic world -London 2012
  • Social and Psychological factors of deviance from parent household view point,Fourth international conference:modern issues in Human studies : experiences, university of Jordan 2018
  • Social and psychological factors of deviance from family house hold view point ,Forth international conference,modern attitudes in human sciences ,experiences 2018
  • Implications posed by the crisis of the Corona boots on society, the first international scientific conference for distance education and future jobs in light of global epidemics crises, 27-28 / 6/2020 - Malaysia, Academic Center for Conferences and Scientific Publishing
Memberships, Awards and Honors
  • Rashid Bin Humaid Cultural & Science Award 40th edition (social studies field) 2023
  • Member of Association of Jordanian Women Academics2014
  • Member o fِ Arab Union of Specialized Woman -Arab economic union council 2015
  • Member of Association of social work, Jordan 2015
  • Member of Saudi Association of Sociology 2011