CBA Awards 2024

Tuesday, May 28, 2024
CBA Awards 2024

Ajman University College of Business Administration held an event on May 28th 2024 to recognize and appreciate the hard work and dedication of its faculty and staff members during the current academic year. CBA faculty and staff were honored in several categories, including an inaugural “Student Service Award”. Dean Akinola Fadahunsi began the event by highlighting several recent achievements of the college and thanking all members of the CBA community for their active roles in helping the college to maintain its status as one of the top Business Colleges in the region. He then introduced each award recipient in turn by highlighting several of their recent individual contributions to the College of Business Administration.

The 2024 honorees

Best Teacher: Dr Gyanendra Sisodia

Best Researcher: Dr Anshuman Sharma & Dr Tamer Elshandidy

Best in Service: Dr Rawan Abukhait

Best Adjunct Teacher: Dr Ruchi Agarwal

Best Assistant Instructor: Ms. Ariba Sabah

Best Internationalization Effort: Mr Osama Abu Salah & Dr Antony Andrews

Best in Administration: Ms. Malika Sahaim

Student Service Award: Ms. Sara Jendi

Alumnus of the year: Dr Hazza Abdullah

The College of Business Administration heartily congratulates the 2024 awardees.