DBA 738: Research Seminar/Practicum

Course Code
DBA 738
Course Title
DBA 738: Research Seminar/Practicum
Course Description
The student and faculty supervisor arrange the practicum well in advance so that the student can prepare by undertaking background reading. The student and faculty preceptor identify the learning outcomes, primary activities toward achieving these, and meeting schedule within which training and supervision by the faculty preceptor will take place. The student and faculty supervisor are expected to provide a detailed written practicum. The primary objective of the practicum is to strengthen a student’s ability to synthesize various aspects of business research prior to undertaking dissertation research. The key to this is the ability to articulate linkages between the research questions, the data gathered to address these questions, the techniques selected for manipulating and analyzing the data, and the interpretation of findings and implications in terms relevant to the original research questions. While the research practicum may not expose students to the specific population or problem of greatest interest to them, the skills and competencies mastered should help prepare students methodologically to carry out their dissertation research.
DBA 712: Quantitative Research Methods & DBA 722: Qualitative Research Methods
Course Type