DBA 734: Seminar in Finance and Investment

Course Code
DBA 734
Course Title
DBA 734: Seminar in Finance and Investment
Course Description
This is a finance for the DBA program. The course is ambitious in that in addition to studying some of the seminal work in finance, the course will also survey many current issues in finance academic research. The intent is to give the students grounding in some of the classic issues in finance, but also introduce them early into the concept of what research is, and more explicitly, where it is. The course reviews basic finance tools and develops the basic finance theory. It defines and demonstrates “asset pricing intelligence” and studies core asset pricing, investment, information, incentives, and corporate finance topics. Topics will include portfolio theory, arbitrage pricing, equilibrium pricing, and security prices’ informational efficiency, the term structure of interest rates, derivatives, performance measurement and capital structure. In addition to the application of the financial theory to the corporate policy.
Course Type