Dr. Maher Itani is an Assistant Professor in Operations and Supply Chain Management at Ajman University. Previously and for sixteen years, he was the Senior Logistics Officer at United Nations for Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA). Concurrently, he worked as an adjunct faculty in Supply Chain and Business Decision Systems lecturing at the Lebanese American University and the American University of Beirut. Dr. Maher received a Ph.D. in Supply Chain Systems from North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, United States, and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (MCIPS), Stamford, United Kingdom. He has over fifteen years of experience in supply chain management, such as implementing procurement procedures and tendering processes to purchase goods, works and services, and ensuring that open and free competition for procurement is adhered to. This requires him to administer the contracting processes for acquiring pharmaceutical supplies, construction works, and educational services to refugees. He is also an expert in designing and implementing logistical plans to provide various relief supplies to refugees per United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) guidelines, the humanitarian charter, and minimum standards in humanitarian response (SPHERE).
Abstract: It is essential for humanitarian organizations to develop fair allocation guidelines of scarce lifesaving resources that alleviates the suffering of benefi-ciaries. At the same time, it is challenging to set a rationality behind the re-sources allocation and toward which beneficiaries to aid. This study examines resource allocation decisions using Bankruptcy based framework. It focuses on carrying out set rules in a fair manner so that a just outcome might be reached. Choosing which rule is most appropriate is challenging as this depends on how the decision makers understand the particular circumstances of each allocation situation. Still, these presented allocations rules provide the most flexible, effi-cient, and defensible solutions to equitable resource allocation. Furthermore, these schemes do not require detailed knowledge of beneficiaries’ utilities for resources, which is generally not feasible to obtain during disaster circumstanc-es.
Purpose The study aims to examine the influence of five sports celebrity personality (SCP) attributes attractiveness, expertise level, credibility, trustworthiness, and character on con-sumers’ purchase intentions (CPI). It identifies antecedents of CPI such as endorsed brand celeb-rity (EBC); transfer of the brand image (TBI); and celebrity brand congruence (CBC). Methodology The study develops a multidimensional construct for SCP. Covariance-based structural equation modeling (SEM) technique was used to examine the relationship between SCP and endorsed brand. The study used celebrity brand congruence (CBC) as a mediator, and endorsed brand credibility (EBC) and transfer of the brand image (TBI) as partial mediators. The direct and indirect effect of SCP on CPI was measured using CBC, EBC, and TBI as mediators. Findings The study supports the importance of some of these antecedents (i.e. CBC, EBC, TBI) on CPI. It finds a congruence across SCP and CBC variables, and a positive impact of SCP on EBC and TBI variables. Also, it exhibits a significant direct effect of CBC on EBC and TBI, whereas the direct effect of CBC on CPI is not substantial. The indirect effect of CBC through mediating variables EBC and TBI was also found to be significant. Research Limitation/Implication The study concludes that celebrity endorsement is essential to transfer the positive celebrity image to the endorsed brand image. However, celebrity en-dorsement is not merely sufficient to influence the buyers’ purchase conduct; the brand credibil-ity additionally assumes to take a role in changing consumers’ behavioral intentions. Originality/Value The study contributes to sport marketing literature by the novelty in analyz-ing the sports celebrity personality at a multidimensional level. It uses SCP’s different attributes as one construct and studies its impact on CPI by taking CBC, EBC, and TBI as mediators. Findings help sport management, better understand how to build long-term relationships with consumers.
Abstract: This study aims to examine the relationship between fans’ psychological commitment to team (PCT) with three outcomes to sponsors; i.e., cognitive (product knowledge), affective (attitude towards sponsors), and behavioural (purchase intentions). The covariance-based structural equation modelling (CBSEM) technique was used to examine the consequences of fans’ team commitment on sponsors, as well as the influence of each outcome of fans’ commitment on one another. Findings from this study provide evidence that PCT has a significant impact on cognitive and affective outcomes, but a negative or no impact was found on behavioural outcome. This implies PCT did not work as a motivational factor and failed to alter attendees’ purchase intentions. When it comes to consumption decisions, consumers prefer to make these decisions according to their own life experience rather than being psychologically attached to their team. Such finding helps sport management to extend their knowledge of sponsorship in professional sports setting.
Abstract: This study explores the dimensionality of customer satisfaction with complaint handling in the service failure and recovery context. It provides evi-dence of construct validity for a new multi-item measure of e-commerce cus-tomer satisfaction. Items for this measure were developed by reviewing the lit-erature done on the complaint handling and service recovery literature. Con-firmatory factor analyses supported a 5-factor structure to this measure: 1) re-covery and return, 2) employee dealing and timely response, 3) complaint solu-tion, 4) payment and security, and 5) website-related information. The structural equation also demonstrated predicted validity for the e-commerce customer sat-isfaction dimensions to complaint handling and service recovery as each of these five factors verified to have a positive relationship with overall complain-ant satisfaction. The study concluded that online businesses should develop ser-vice recovery strategies that encompass monetary rewards in the context of a so-lution to the complaint.
Purpose – The perception of sport consumers on peripheral stadium-quality services (PSQS) has evolved after compulsory precautionary measures were imposed on gatherings to alleviate the spread of coronavirus. This study attempts to reassess five principal dimensions of PSQS ̶ stadium parking, stadium cleanliness, fan control, food services and perceived crowding ̶ through reflecting on the COVID-19 control and prevention measures established during this pandemic. Furthermore, it aims to measure the impact of the multi-dimensional PSQS on spectators’ emotions and future attendance intentions. Methodology - The purposive sampling technique was used to collect data from spectators watch-ing the live matches of cricket at the stadium. A total of 680 responses were collected from specta-tors and uploaded to the measurement model. The covariance-based structural equation modeling technique was used subsequently for analysis purposes. Findings - The study found a positive impact of the stadium cleanliness and fan control services on spectators’ happiness, and excitement emotions, and a negative impact of stadium parking, stadium cleanliness, fan control, and perceived crowding on their anger, anxiety, and dejection emotions. The happiness and excitement emotions of the spectators induced them to visit again at the stadi-um. Of all the peripheral quality services, the study found only stadium cleanliness service indirect-ly effect spectators' revisit intentions through excitement emotion as a mediator. Implications – The incorporation of the safety procedures through PSQS can reduce spectators’ negative emotions especially when they face psychological fear of the pandemic. These services work as a stimulus for spectators that directly affect their organism (emotions) and indirectly affect their response (attendance intentions). Originality/value - This study contributed to sports research by novelty evaluating sport consum-ers’ perception of the PSQS after incorporating COVID-19 preventive measures. It empirically ex-amines the effect PSQS on spectators’ emotions and re-visits intentions.
Abstract: This study explores the relationships between team success and sports fans’ purchase behaviour. It examines the strength of the mediating role of team brand equity, attitude towards sponsorship, and attitude towards sponsors’ brands in such relationships. The study analysed the responses of 602 fans of the Indian Premier League (IPL) using structural equation modelling. A constructive role for team success is confirmed in creating team brand equity for sports fans. The team’s success positively impacts on fans’ attitudes towards sponsorship importance and at-titude towards the sponsor brand but did not influence their purchase behaviour di-rectly. Nevertheless, it indirectly impacts on fans’ purchase behaviour with attitude toward sponsor brands as a mediator. Study findings add new insights that advance the understanding for marketing managers of fans’ collective attitudes toward spon-sorship importance, sponsored brands, and purchase behaviour.
This study examines the dynamics of the economic transformation in rural Vietnam and reviews how socio-economic development projects have transformed the economic behaviour of ethnic minorities across Vietnam’s Central Highlands. It investigates the impact of state-sponsored poverty alleviation initiatives aimed at improving the economic condition of the X’dang, Bahnar, Jarai, Ede, Mnong, Koho, and Ma ethnic minorities. These initiatives are financed by Vietnamese state agencies focused on infrastructural and community development to facilitate agricultural transformation and halt the massive migration of farmers from the countryside to urban centres. These initiatives include the selection of high-yielding and profitable crops for plantation, application of appropriate agricultural technology, sound land and crop management processes, and deployment of robust irrigation management techniques. This study finds that the economic conditions of ethnic minority farmers have improved substantially as a result of the execution of sound, robust and resilient poverty alleviation initiatives by the Vietnamese government.
Purpose: This study investigated how sources of information across social media platforms influ-ence fantasy users’ sport consumption and enhance their performance expectancy. Specifically, we examined the effects of social media-related motivation on fantasy users’ playing skills, sense of competition, and performance expectancy based on the uses and gratifications theory. Methodology: Data were collected from 453 fantasy sport users on social media platforms. We conducted confirmatory factor analysis to assess a measurement model and used serial mediation techniques to examine the relationship between social media-related motivation and fantasy sport users’ performance expectancy. Findings: Results showed that social media-related motivation had significant and positive impacts on fantasy users’ playing skills, sense of competition, and performance expectancy. Additionally, we found that fantasy users’ playing skills increased their sense of competition – which, in turn, was found to positively affect their performance expectancy. Originality: This study provided a valuable contribution to the existing body of knowledge on so-cial media by investigating the influence of social media-related motivation on fantasy sport users. The findings reveal that sharing content-based information on social media platforms plays a vital role in attracting and motivating individuals to engage in fantasy sports. The updated information enhances the playing skills of fantasy users, fosters a sense of competition, and improves perfor-mance in virtual sport.
Abstract Purpose: It is not possible for every fan of a sport to watch matches at stadiums because of the limited capacity and location constraints. Furthermore, although sport fans could not physically attend sporting events during the COVID-19 pandemic, corporations still showed interest in sponsoring such events. To better understand this phenomenon, this study examined the effects of fans’ event involvement on event reputation, event commercialization, corporate brand credi-bility, corporate brand image, and purchase intentions of the corporate sponsor brand. Design/methodology/approach: A total of 646 responses were collected from fans of Indian Premier League teams. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and covariance-based structural equa-tion modelling (SEM) analyses were conducted on the collected data. Findings: Results showed that fans’ involvement in televised sporting events had a positive in-fluence on the events’ reputation, which, in turn, had a significant impact on their corporate spon-sors’ brand credibility and image. Furthermore, the corporate sponsors’ brand credibility and im-age had a positive impact on the fans’ purchasing decisions. Originality/value: The study results have implications for marketing managers responsible for selecting sporting events to sponsor. In addition, the results suggest that sponsoring companies should maintain the credibility and image of their brands to realize the desired results from spon-soring such sporting events.
There is a growing discussion in the current literature about fantasy sport users’ attachment to their favourite real-world sport team and self-created fantasy team. The involvement of player-specific fantasy sport enhances fantasy sport users’ knowledge and skills of the competitive sport, eventually altering their traditional sports fandom. This study measures the impact of fantasy crick-et motivational factors (FCMFs) on fantasy sport users vis-à-vis fantasy team attachment, sense of competition, and their consumption behaviour on media and gambling. The study found a direct positive impact of FCMFs on fantasy users’ team attachment and sense of competition – and, fur-thermore, on their media and gambling consumption behaviour. The FCMFs indirectly impact fan-tasy users’ sense of competition using fantasy team attachment as a mediator. The study provides practical implications for fantasy sport providers to design their future policies in the context of In-dian fantasy cricket users.